Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just wanted to share

So.  This is how funny the big kids think they are.  They were playing with blocks on Sunday, what with the no video game, no tv torture they endure and all.  So.  I was still reading my vampire book and rather than asking me to get up and look at their masterpiece, they took a picture and laughed and laughed.  I only just found it when I plugged in my phone.  

And then there is Kierstin.  This is the face of a very tired little girl as she has been waking up over and over in the middle of the night for days.  Don't even ask to see a picture of my tired face, but here she is...tired and mopey and OH so pretty.  I couldn't resist.  She may get grouchy but she is still so yummy to me.

1 comment:

  1. I dont know why my comment never showed up, so I will repeat myself here, and hope it works!! I love that picture of Kierstin actually, it is a little model looking...very cute! It might be one of my favorites actually. And, of course, the kids are so goofy, glad to see their sense of humor is in tact! See you guys on Sat.
