Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok. Now I am sane. know what I mean.

It is now 10:33 am and all is well in our little castle.  For me, there are few things greater than snuggling up with a warm and willing and still kind of sleepy 2 year old.  We laid in bed for the better part of the morning and just chilled.  I was in and out of sleep with every move she made, but that was okay with me.  As long as she chose my side over chasing the kitten, who is so darn funny by the way, I am happy.  So we are off to officially start our day.  Lots to do and now I can do it with a smile.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Man, I am a bit jealous! Not jealous that you are crazy, I've got that part covered, but of the lazy morning in bed!! RJ and Courtlyn were up at 5:45, due to RJ screaming about his binky falling!! So, Barney was turned on, and then Ryan came home..I was so awake, not happy, but awake! And before you know it, the alarm is going of at 6:45 and the day begins!! Ahh, someday, I too will have one child at home, and maybe she will snuggle with me for a while!!
