Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th already!

I know that I owe you a post and some pictures.  It has been a busy week.  I had the privilege of spending a weekend in Chicago with Larry, seeing the sights!  Oh and the food!  Amazing.  We surprised the kids with bringing Larry home for a couple of days.  That was such fun having him home.  As some of you know, he is in the middle of several high profile, well relatively high profile jobs that have kept him in Chicago.  He just finished up the Harley Davidson spectacle that was the 105th anniversary party that took up the entire city of Milwaukee.  (I think that's where he was, it begins to run together)  And now he is working on a big ol' fashioned, 20 million dollar birthday party for some richer than most fella that owns the White Sox, and lots of other things.  And then there is one more, but again, it runs together.  So.  We are flying on auto pilot here with nothing but fun.  :)  Kids are settling into school and activities.  The weather has been wonderfully wet these past days and I have discovered the mania that is "Twilight".  You know, that little vampire book that everyone swoons over that I swore I would not read because I don't even care about vampire stories!  Well, it is fabulous.  I mean, not a challenging read by any stretch of the imagination, which I suppose is important for me as it is primarily written for a teen audience.  Wouldn't be good for me to be challenged by that, I guess.  Anyway, I am in love with Edward!  He is delightful and human and scary and beautiful...oh, you just have to read it.  I know, I didn't want to either, but there it is.  Oh and then there's Sarah Palin.  Uck.  That's all I can say.  It is just strange to me and I keep sort of waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up on national television with the real VP candidate and reveal this masterful PUNK!  No?  Guess not.  I am sure that she is incredible and what a story she has, but I can't listen to her talk.  Why is that?  I just don't get it and I keep thinking she is going to close with "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  She looks like a relief society president to me, not the president of the greatest country in the world.  (Let me state that there is no doubt that I have known many relief society presidents that would rock the White House!!!)  Anyway, that's my rant.  Take it for what it's worth, which is not much really.

And then there is this somber anniversary.  I still can't watch the video clips or movies of the week about it.  I remember every moment.  I suppose it is like remembering when Kennedy was shot, or when we landed on the moon, or when Pearl Harbor was attacked.  We each have these defining memories from different eras and they are each striking reminders of the good and bad of humanity.  I won't rant, but I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who carries us through those experiences and lift us back up to even higher places.  Rant over.

Oh, and our little NieNie was featured on the Today show yesterday.  It is incredible how so many have rallied around that sweet family to raise money and spirits at this time.  Good work everyone!

Hmm.  Well, Kierstin is funnier than normal these days.  I can't explain really, except that she is looking bigger and bigger and talking SO much and now is relishing in a new experience for her that is "Toy Story"!  It is such great fun to watch that again through new eyes.  She makes all sorts of funny noises and faces as she watches it.  Great fun!

Anyway, pictures later as I have to run up to the school.  Have a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to pretend that I DID NOT JUST READ THAT YOU WERE IN CHICAGO and didn't call me. I'M SURE that he wasn't working the weekend you were here and you two didn't have much time. Uh hu, I am.
