Friday, July 10, 2009

If it's not one thing...

Well, it's another. For the few of you who may not have received the Vancouver update, here it is, the final word, the final final final word:

We are not going.

After much back and forth and debate and prayer and pacing and this and that, we had to face some facts. It became clear to us that we were simply not feeling great about it. The money was the actually the biggest kicker, but lots of things played into the choice. There is great relief mixed with a lingering amount of disappointment, but mostly just relief. So. I worked on this:

This is one of two murals I finished today for my neighbor's son Grant.  He is a big K State fan and HAD to have this on his wall.  It took me a long time to finally get to it, but it turned out great, if I do say so myself.

So, now.  The house is quiet and clean and there is general peace until I lay Kierstin down and she starts throwing up.  I have no idea where this is coming from but she has now thrown up in one form or another 4 times.  Really?  REALLY!

There she is again.  Gotta go take care of the beauty.


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean. Um. Sorry to hear that. Shoot. I was really hoping you'd get to go.

    Ok, really, it would have been a cool experience and all of that, but you belong here so back to my original statement.

    GREAT mural! A looming business for Heather?

  2. Umm..I am sorry, she is WHAT!!! I cant even begin to think about throwing up...I go to bed with dread...lets hope its something she ate and not a virus that will be making its way to her two playmates from this evening....AHHH! Good luck with that, hope she does not mess up your clean house too much:)

  3. ok, the mural would have been cool but its the wrong colors!!! Go KU!!!! hee hee hee :)
