Thursday, July 9, 2009


So.  My Bishop's sage advice was that we shouldn't make any decisions based on the choices of this family that wants to rent our home.  


That's what I have to say to that. 

It seems that things may not be as secure as I had thought with this sweet family that wants to rent our home.  What that means tonight is that I don't really feel very secure about our choice to head North.  I do feel really good about facing budget issues and making some resolutions.  I feel good about getting my passport and knowing how to get passports for the children, when the time comes.  I feel really good about getting rid of some things in my home and touching up some paint and giving it a really good cleaning.  I feel awesome about some lovely yard clean-up.  I know a lot more about the Vancouver area than I thought I would need to know.  That falls into the education category for me.  I also feel really good knowing that we are learning to make wise decisions and to attempt to exercise caution when needed.  So, with all of that goodness, I can honestly say that if I get a phone call or email that says that they are not going to rent our home, two things will simultaneously happen: a sense of relief and a genuine lack of surprise.  Relief at not doing the amount of work, of course.  Please know that I really would love to do this and I will be equally excited and relieved if the answer turns out to be yes; relief at getting an answer (in the form of a deposit and proof of employment) and knowing that we will be setting off on a unique family adventure, one that can't be duplicated.  I do know that this poor family must be very stressed and worried and I wish that they did not have to go through that.  Times are tough and I know that work is hard to come by.  I do hope that they get the answers they need, and not simply because I need an answer or an extended vacation to Vancouver, but because the waiting and worrying is so tough to take.

So, tonight, be grateful for work and having a home to call your own.  Other families are struggling with those simple basics.  

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, sure. Work. Home. Family. Grateful for all of it. I still want better insurance!! :)

    Would it be unsupportive of me if I said I would be quite glad if you have to stay? I'm just sayin...
