Friday, July 3, 2009


Hello all!  Well, a lot has happened around here lately.  Amber had her pretty baby.  June said good-bye.  July has stormed in with high temperatures.  Larry played, and worked of course, here for the last week.  

We took Kierstin's crib out of her room!
It was quite the event.  Last night was okay until about 2:30 in the morning when she clamored onto my bed with what seemed to be 28 stuffed animals.  (It was actually 9 or 10)  I stumbled my way behind her, up the stairs, tucked her in again and managed to get myself back into my bed without injury or further incident.  That was last night.  Tonight, I fear, will be different.  (you should be hearing spooky music right about now)

Independence Day is on for tomorrow and we will be partying all day.  We have a pancake breakfast bright and early at the church with a parade for the kiddos, a bike parade that is.  Kids at the pool.  Play-doh and Jenga.  Popsicles and ice cream.  Steaks on the grill.  Family all around.  Fireworks.  Fireworks.  Fireworks.

By way of update:  we still don't know about Vancouver.  We thought we knew, and then we didn't and now we are trying.  We both stepped back and agreed that we had to think in a preventative manner, meaning, a little more protective of our financial stability than adventurous and spontaneous.  I have my moments when I feel the tingle of "just go" or "everything will work out" and even "if it's meant to be it will be".  And then.  Literal, black and white, numbers on a page, reality sets in and we have to step back.  Tonight I am a little more optimistic than I was yesterday, but the night is still young.  We are looking at a couple of houses in the Birch Bay, WA area that are priced incredibly well for what we need.  We are finding ways to shave money off of the costs.  We are working on ways of raising some money as well.  A fundraiser that will either pay for a trek to the Pacific Northwest or a week at the beach.  I know which way Mom will go.  :)  

So, that's it.  Caught up.  Everyone remains healthy and well and only slightly on the nerves.  Swimming and movies and cooking are filling the days and I love it.   

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