Sunday, July 12, 2009

There ought to be a law.

I know there should be a law against the Mom getting sick.  I actually feel that sickness altogether should be abolished, but you take the good with the bad RIGHT?!?!

Well, the law didn't apply to me today as I have,
 indeed gotten sick.  As I type this, Kierstin has come in to announce that she needs new panties.  And now she just slipped because her feet are wet.  Why, you ask.  She is not feeling like a big girl today, it seems.  

WhY nOt?

I am sick.  Kimball is sick.  Kierstin is better but difficult with the after-sickness grumpies.  On top of that, Kierstin is unsure about the whole potty training thing, again.  Let's just own up to the fact that she does, indeed,
 get it and that she knows when she needs to go as well as how and where.  She just chooses against it sometimes.  4 times this morning actually.  I don't even have the energy to figure out what to do to help Kierstin figure this one out.  Do I let her keep having accidents until she gets it?  Do I get mad at her?  Punish her?  All I want to do is sleep.  I did get the recommendation from Mom that perhaps a kind of punishment might be in order.  Good mom of the year award should be granted for this one:  I told Kierstin that Grandma said I would have to spank her if she had another :accident:.  She hasn't had one since.  Now, I didn't actually spank her, though I wanted to when she peed on my comforter last night at about 11:45 pm when she was sure that she didn't need to go to bed yet.  She had slept for about a 6 hour nap, so I tried to give her a break...but my blanket?  On my bed?  At bedtime?  It is currently in the dryer for what seems like hours as it is so big and having a hard time drying.  

Oh, and with all of this joy and sunshine, guess where Larry is today.  Can't guess, can you???  

ON a KaYaK in the OcEaN in DeEp CoVe.  
Mom is sure that a whale will eat him if he does it again.  You like him less right now don't you!  (I mean, of course I want him to enjoy but that was on the list of things I wanted to do when we were set to move up there.)

You should also know that Kaden and Kyra are intentionally staying as far away from Kimball and me.  They think it might help them avoid sickness.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man..that is not sounding like a good day at all!! So much for one days progress:) Personally, I would do a combination of punishing her, but mostly rewarding her for a job well done. When she is feeling better, maybe candy will sweeten the deal. RJ was thrilled with a reese's pb cup (clearly m&m's arent as exciting as they were to Haylee!) I would make her sit on the potty often, like every 30 min. and maybe at first, an few m&m's just for trying. Or a sticker..something that makes even sitting on the potty not a fight. But then, yes..she is not a 2 year old and she actually does know what she is I would likely punish her a bit too. For sure any mess she makes she has to clean up! She can sure use some Clorox wipes! All I can say is good luck, she is one persistent little bugger! And when you dont feel well, I think kids are like vultures..they prey on us when we are at our weakest. Hang in there, and let me know if you need anything.
