Saturday, July 11, 2009

She's a big girl now...or so she says.

So, as you can see by the droopy eyes, she doesn't feel great, but boy is she happy. 

Today, she decided to be a big girl.  
We sold her crib to another sweet family today.  We took that money and bought her this Tinkerbell bed.  We had promised her that when she was potty trained, we would get it.  Now, most of you know that she is not effectively potty trained, except that something changed for her today.  When she knew that her baby bed was leaving, she looked at me and said, "Mommy, I am a big girl now.  I want panties like Kyra."  And that was it.  She went upstairs, found the pair she wanted, put them on and has not had an accident yet.  (cross your fingers)  Now, this is not a science and in no way do I think that she is trained, but it was a sweet recognition that she is growing up.  She loves the bed, as you can see.  She is still sitting in it now, with babies and Pooh Bears all around.  


  1. ouch..ouch,ouch,ouch...I mean OOUUUUUCH....tooo soon...

  2. Yeah for Kierstin...she sure knows how to do things! Just make up your mind and its a done deal..a very determined girl you have. I hope it sticks for both of your sakes, how easy would that be?? And, what a fun bed, you are a cooler mom than I am...but of course, we already knew that didnt we!

  3. Yea for Kierstin! What a big girl!
