Friday, January 21, 2011


Closet project is now about 90 percent done...we had a few, shall we say hiccups, along the way...Big ONES!  Things were going along rather smoothly.  It went something like this:
emptied the closet and stripped it down
then the walls were repaired and painted

we tested it out a little
another view
mostly finished

So, in the process of working on this project, we were moving along at a really good pace.  We were even enjoying it.  And then...on the third set of happened.  Larry is setting some shelves in place, pre-drilling holes, when he says..."uh oh, I hit something".  Not a good sign.  Then we smell smoke.  Then Kimball comes in and says "why did we just lose power in the office?"  Not a good series of events.  So, what are the chances that in the series of holes that had to be drilled for the precise placement of this one last shelf that Larry would drill right into the main power center of our house?  Can you mathematicians figure up those odds?  Yeah, well, he did!  Scorched right through two romex cables, killing the power to the office and two bedrooms upstairs.  After a futile attempt to avoid hurting our freshly sanded, textured and painted walls, Larry had to cut into it to find the source of the burning smell...aka INSULATION!  Well, we were lucky that it didn't catch on fire, as that would have been so much worse.  After a quick phone call we had an electrician on his way out to fix our little mess up and now we have an open wound in our new closet...even the carpet has been repaired!  

Moral of the story:  never think that the job is too easy, it will prove you wrong...and always make sure that you know exactly where the power is on exterior walls of your home before drilling into said wall!

With all of that said, isn't it beautiful!  We are an elfa before and after story.  The closet is so nice to walk into now.  I know it seems like a silly thing, but the it's like the difference in an old mattress and a new one, or 180 thread count sheets and 600 thread count.  It is just so cozy.  We still have a little work to do in there, including replacing the base board and repairing that hole, as well as picking up a few more shelves and then she will be all done.  Happy day!

The downside...I have stuff in the garage that came out of that closet that we don't want to put back in!  Which means my pretty garage is in need of attention...not until it warms up just a little though.  

It is fun to complete a project though.  Better get back to my list!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where was I?

Ok no, the show was not that long but life did keep me busy these last couple of days.  In the spirit of projects, Larry and I have taken apart our master closet and are now in the midst of a master closet makeover!  Fun stuff!  Here is the before:

I guess I should have taken a picture before we took the whole thing apart, huh?  Well, as you can see it is a rather large space but not exactly ideal.  It is about a foot shy of perfection...meaning, it's really just kind of a long hallway in the back of our bedroom that will soon be outfitted with Elfa from Container Store.  It will be painted a lovely shade of anything-other-than-white.  Lots of work in there this week but it will be well worth it.

By the way, I am awake at this stupid hour because of a certain four year old who woke me up, had a minor meltdown and then went back to bed.  I, on the other hand, can't sleep now.  ARGH!

So, projects...I am going to make my dreaded stop avoiding list and then get to it.  Master closet is in progress, then comes Kyra's dresser, Kierstin's letters, pictures in the family room, baseboard cleanup and paint, and...oh I just got tired!  Better at least try to get a little more sleep before the crazies wake up.  Only about an hour away...

Have a wonderful day all!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Middle of January and another day off from school

Um.  Excuse me.  Over's me and I am just it actually  January 16th?  Have we already reached the middle of the first month of the year 2011?  Are we actually about the embark on the second semester of school, thereby crossing the halfway point in the school year?  Is it possible?  I feel a little disoriented by that one, to be honest.  Resolutions have only simmered thus far, though there is a new sense of order and function around here...even when Larry isn't here!  (that's kind of a big deal)  See below:

Without Larry:

(not actually my home but a representation as stolen from some other crazy woman's house)


With Larry:

(again, not my house...though it is rather charming)

As you can see, Larry is much more motivated by clean than I am.  I am learning as we go and have taken on some projects of my own along the way.  I can honestly say; however, that I will never care as much about it as he does.  He is a machine.  Within three hours of his return from any trip the fridge is cleaned out, the pantry is organized, the counters are cleared and laundry is well in motion.  It's impressive really.  (sometimes annoying but I am learning to really appreciate his talents!)

So, those projects I speak of have been waiting for me patiently.  From repainting baseboards to finishing a dresser makeover for Kyra...still waiting.  Oh and I have letters to hang in Kierstin's room and pictures to hang in the family room.  Curtains for the kitchen and so much more.

Gasp!  The Golden Globes have just started so I will have to go to break and will return with the second half of our programming after the's a long show so it could be awhile.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back to reality, for real this time!

As some of you know Larry changed jobs a little this last year.  He joined forces with Big Screen Networks out of Los Angeles and formed what is now called BSN Events.  Some of the great things that came from that include INSURANCE!  INSURANCE! INSURANCE!  And of course there is the salary that comes every other week no matter what project he is working on.  Another huge plus!  He was also able to increase his client base to include companies like NHL, NFL and Major League Baseball.  Now as pretty as all of that sounds, the other side of that is that we are living on a big shows to surprise us with a little bit get the picture.  So, after several years of owning his own company and not paying too much attention to budget, I mean a little but not nearly enough, we are now on a BUDGET.  Here is what that means for me...structure, planning and coupons.  I won't lie, I am terrible at that.  I am that person who gets annoyed when I am in a grocery line and the person in front of me pulls out a stack of coupons which will invariably take forever.  Yep, that's me.  I am working on that one.  Promise.  Anyway!

So with this revised arrangement I have spent some time online looking for coupons and deals and ideas that will help me be better at it.  I don't know that I will ever be the person who has it all figured out and can spend $2.36 for $90.00 of food but I would like to learn to shop smarter.  Cook smarter.  Work smarter.  Along that journey I will share ideas and links that I think you might like.  It's kinda fun actually.  Do you have tips to share?  Everyone seems to be focused on smarter spending so we could all use the advice.

Becentsable — Saving you money, time, and resources

Coupons | Free Coupons | Printable Coupons | Coupon Dad

And for locals:
My Dallas Mommy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moving on

Oh life has a way of kicking our butts sometimes, doesn't it?  When I think back on the times that I have been brought to my knees over one thing or another I am reminded that in every situation I was able to get back up.  Every time. Some times took a little longer and a little more patience, but without fail, I have been propped up, held up, pushed up and pulled along enough to get me out of those times.  I remember saying more than once that I simply didn't want to learn any more lessons.  In the absence of those lessons; however, is a sort of trepidation for what may be around the corner.  I have come to appreciate the challenges that I have faced as they were not final, or tragic I guess.  Tragic in a way, yes, but not in a mourning kind of way.  Today I look around at the challenges being faced by those that I know and love and say keep going.  Prop yourself up on any crutch you can find to keep your head above water.  I read this quote today by one of my all time favorite authors:

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, or the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It's yours.” ~Ayn Rand

Sometimes we let the darkness swallow us whole.  Sometimes we don't even see the darkness, even when it is trying very hard to get in.  Whatever it is that keeps you moving forward, hold on to that and share it with those around you.  Every person you pass on any given day has any number of challenges to deal with that we know nothing about.  I can't fathom some of the tragedies that people deal with.  The shooting in Arizona has been mind numbing for me.  I don't honestly know where I stand on most politics or gun laws, but what I do know is that innocent people died at the hands of a man who should never have been allowed to own a gun.  And that is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

There is a very sweet song by Jessica Andrews that I have been listening to a bit lately called "I Will Be There For You".  Listen to it.  Sing it in  your car.  Smile at the thought of those that are there for you and know that despite the challenges that come, and they always will, you are propped up by some amazing forces...have faith in that.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Motivation, where art thou?

Allow me to set the scene for you: it's almost 4 in the afternoon, a little cold out, the house is semi-clean...well, the hall bathroom is immaculate after some intense scrubbing today...three of four kids are home.  Oldest should be headed this way soon.  On my desk? to the right of my computer: Doritos and a Coke.  to the left: vitamins and a magazine full of incredibly fit women in cute workout clothing.  While looking at said magazine, I absent-mindedly rummage through the Doritos bag and find myself reaching for the coke.  Now, first line of defense is to not have said treats in the house.  Strike one.  Next would be to say that the treats are best left hiding out in the pantry or fridge. Strike two.  And third might be willpower...Um, yeah.  You get the picture.  The funny thing is that I don't really even like Doritos.  What is wrong with this picture?

It's January 7th and I have not yet set my dreaded resolutions into motion.  I plan to, at some point.  I am such a procrastinator!  But I did scrub that nasty hall bathroom!  Honestly, how does it get so nasty?  I know the  (and lots of them)  Back to procrastination: have you set up any resolutions?  I know there are the obvious like get healthy, lose weight, work out, read scriptures daily (I have been doing that one though).  Why is it so hard to actually do it?  Ok, it's not exactly hard to do, it's just work.  Here is what I want to do...I want to resolve to live a little every day in 2011.  Do something different or new or do some of the old things in new ways...learn...every day.  I think I can honestly say that I have actually done that so far this year.  It made me appreciate the idea and I think it might prove a worthwhile experiment.  Today I decided to scrub the bathroom.  Done.  Going back to old jobs like kitchen, laundry and making dinner.  Going to play with the kids...whatever kids are here and there are lots already...PLAY!

Live a little...every single day.  Can you do that?

Oh and what ARE you people making for dinner these days?  Need some usual.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Still lagging a bit

I have a long list of things to do.  I really do.  I just don't want to.  I know how lame that is. I just keep resisting.  I have errands and cleaning and laundry and such and in all of that...I am not even dressed yet!  That is how lame I am today.  Oh and yesterday too.  HA!

Working on getting the motivation to recognize the new year and the resolutions that come with it.  I did find a fantastic site yesterday that you should check out.  This woman is great.
Bits&Pieces: A year of Moving More and Eating Less in scrapbook pages

Read that post and then follow her in 2011.  I am encouraged by her focus and results and resolve to be healthy...not just SKINNY!  I mean, skinny is good...I know...but healthy is better.

I will set to having a strong day and accomplish what is on my list.  I commit to cooking dinner tonight, though it is always easier to pick something up when we have dance lessons.  I WILL COOK!  I will restock my pantry with healthy options for breakfast and lunch for my crew.  I will not buy any more sodas!  I will get dressed and clean up my bathroom and make my bed!!!  I know this all sounds really silly, but maybe by setting small daily goals, as lowly and obvious as they may be, just maybe that will lead to greater progress and less stress!  Here's to success for all!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And so it begins.

It's 2011.  Does that strike anyone else as very odd?  Time has a funny way of speeding itself up when you aren't paying attention.  I had backed away from the blogging for awhile but I missed it.  If for no other reason than the journaling aspect of it, I miss it.  Here's what you missed:

Christmas 2010: The whole fam-damly

 there are no words!

It is amazing that we got that shot!  Thanksgiving 2010