Friday, January 21, 2011


Closet project is now about 90 percent done...we had a few, shall we say hiccups, along the way...Big ONES!  Things were going along rather smoothly.  It went something like this:
emptied the closet and stripped it down
then the walls were repaired and painted

we tested it out a little
another view
mostly finished

So, in the process of working on this project, we were moving along at a really good pace.  We were even enjoying it.  And then...on the third set of happened.  Larry is setting some shelves in place, pre-drilling holes, when he says..."uh oh, I hit something".  Not a good sign.  Then we smell smoke.  Then Kimball comes in and says "why did we just lose power in the office?"  Not a good series of events.  So, what are the chances that in the series of holes that had to be drilled for the precise placement of this one last shelf that Larry would drill right into the main power center of our house?  Can you mathematicians figure up those odds?  Yeah, well, he did!  Scorched right through two romex cables, killing the power to the office and two bedrooms upstairs.  After a futile attempt to avoid hurting our freshly sanded, textured and painted walls, Larry had to cut into it to find the source of the burning smell...aka INSULATION!  Well, we were lucky that it didn't catch on fire, as that would have been so much worse.  After a quick phone call we had an electrician on his way out to fix our little mess up and now we have an open wound in our new closet...even the carpet has been repaired!  

Moral of the story:  never think that the job is too easy, it will prove you wrong...and always make sure that you know exactly where the power is on exterior walls of your home before drilling into said wall!

With all of that said, isn't it beautiful!  We are an elfa before and after story.  The closet is so nice to walk into now.  I know it seems like a silly thing, but the it's like the difference in an old mattress and a new one, or 180 thread count sheets and 600 thread count.  It is just so cozy.  We still have a little work to do in there, including replacing the base board and repairing that hole, as well as picking up a few more shelves and then she will be all done.  Happy day!

The downside...I have stuff in the garage that came out of that closet that we don't want to put back in!  Which means my pretty garage is in need of attention...not until it warms up just a little though.  

It is fun to complete a project though.  Better get back to my list!

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