Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moving on

Oh life has a way of kicking our butts sometimes, doesn't it?  When I think back on the times that I have been brought to my knees over one thing or another I am reminded that in every situation I was able to get back up.  Every time. Some times took a little longer and a little more patience, but without fail, I have been propped up, held up, pushed up and pulled along enough to get me out of those times.  I remember saying more than once that I simply didn't want to learn any more lessons.  In the absence of those lessons; however, is a sort of trepidation for what may be around the corner.  I have come to appreciate the challenges that I have faced as they were not final, or tragic I guess.  Tragic in a way, yes, but not in a mourning kind of way.  Today I look around at the challenges being faced by those that I know and love and say keep going.  Prop yourself up on any crutch you can find to keep your head above water.  I read this quote today by one of my all time favorite authors:

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, or the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It's yours.” ~Ayn Rand

Sometimes we let the darkness swallow us whole.  Sometimes we don't even see the darkness, even when it is trying very hard to get in.  Whatever it is that keeps you moving forward, hold on to that and share it with those around you.  Every person you pass on any given day has any number of challenges to deal with that we know nothing about.  I can't fathom some of the tragedies that people deal with.  The shooting in Arizona has been mind numbing for me.  I don't honestly know where I stand on most politics or gun laws, but what I do know is that innocent people died at the hands of a man who should never have been allowed to own a gun.  And that is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

There is a very sweet song by Jessica Andrews that I have been listening to a bit lately called "I Will Be There For You".  Listen to it.  Sing it in  your car.  Smile at the thought of those that are there for you and know that despite the challenges that come, and they always will, you are propped up by some amazing forces...have faith in that.

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