Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have had quite a week so far. Holy Cow!

Brace yourselves.  I am still a little shaky on these things but let me introduce you to some of the things I am juggling this week with the kids.  Now, I don't mean the usual baseball practice and such.  It would even be nice if it was a simple argument over toys or something like that.  Oh no, no such luck.  In this one week, seven days mind you, we have dealt with bullying, bad grades, gossip, huffing, sex, and lighting things on fire when no one is looking.   And that was all on one child.  5th grade is kicking my butt, to put it mildly.  

Now, before you all overreact, let me explain.  Let's start at the top.  I was told of a familiar 5th grade boy being involved in huffing over the weekend.  The story goes that the mom walked in on two 5th grade boys with music on in her garage at 12:30 in the morning, with carpet cleaner, gasoline, spray paint and tennis balls cut in half with the purpose of getting high.  Now, no one knows yet if this was the first time such a thing has occurred, but it certainly scared this mom, and me.  Now, in this discovery, I shared a story with this mom about seeing her son with his mouth on a gasoline can, which seemed suspicious, but in my naive and altogether clueless state, I actually thought it was either empty or filled with water.  Silly me.  Well, this ended up becoming a bit of bullying with my son at school the next day because of the trouble that this boy found himself in, make sense?  He wanted someone to blame so it got back to Kimball that it was my fault,  Kimball came home very upset that day, let me rephrase, hormonally upset that day because he had that incident, slipping grades, and the kids picked on him for getting his hair cut.  This is a fine time to state that I dislike most children.  I dislike the idea that these little monsters can be so mean and get away with it.  

Moving on, I was then informed that one of Kimball's friends wants to have sex...he is 11 years old.  He has not even kissed a girl and he is talking about sex.  SO, Kimball and I got to have a little heart to heart about the importance of waiting and what can happen.  Are you tired yet, because I think I have sprouted some grey hairs with all of this.  

For the final hoorah, Kimball nonchalantly says "did you know that Axe body spray is flammable?"  Of course I know that, it says it on the can.  Duh.  I must not have responded as he had hoped because he asked me again and then followed up with, "because John and Jake showed me today".  These idiot boys chose to take a can of deodorant and a lighter, spray it and light in on fire, with my son watching.  I was furious.  I have already gotten myself in trouble for going to other kids parents about such issues, so I am aware of the fact that I am not allowed to step in with the parenting of other people's children, but this was my son standing there.  I call Larry for backup as he is in Orlando, and he sort of chuckles a little and says, "that's a boy thing Heather.  Leave it alone."  WHAT!!!  This made me more angry than warranted and he attempts to talk me down.  He assures me that it is a stupid thing to do and that Kimball has to be taught to walk away, but that in no way can I tell the parents of these boys about it because it will get Kimball in more trouble with the kids at school.  I feel as if my head might explode with all of this new, grown up, oversexed, over-stimulated, pre-teen nonsense.  How in the world will we make it through middle school???

In other news, I learned how to make the most wonderful Thai food at a cooking class today with some amazing women.  It was great fun and most delicious.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Please tell me this is a 5th grade boy thing and not a 5th grade girl thing. I must say I have never heard the term 'huffing'. BTW - I think those parents need to know what their brats are up to and if not the parents how about the HVPD?!!!!! HOpe things go better for you today!
