Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Not grouchy today :)

Good morning all!!!  I have discovered that this has quickly become one my favorite times of the day.  The children have just left for school.  The baby is sleeping.  The house is still a little dark and extremely quiet.  I can hear the sound of the train every now and then as it passes on its way to wherever trains go.  There it is now.  It is a sound that I absolutely love, even at all hours  of the night.  One of the things I have come to appreciate about that sound is that when Miss Kierstin hears it she comes running to me saying "choo choo", half excited and half scared.  She wraps her arms around me with wide eyes until the mystery sound has passed.  This is the hour of the day when I sit at my computer and catch up on your stories, surf the web a bit, check my calendar for the day, and generally avoid the dishes and laundry anxiously waiting for me in the other room.  

I got out of my funk yesterday, though it did take some doing.  The gym was a big help.  I only walked on the treadmill for about an hour, but it was good.  Looking around at the variety of body shapes I found myself reassured and motivated at the same time.  While I do envy the amazing bodies that seem to have no trouble getting themselves to the gym, with hair and makeup done by the way, it is the run down slightly overweight, barely out of bed and a little irritated to be there body that makes me believe.  I am one of those.  In spirit, I think I am the prior, but the scale and the clothes don't lie.  Sometimes I laugh at this whole enterprise of gyms and pills and potions to make us thin and strong.  I am amazed at what a job it is and how many of us jump right into the pool of masochism with all of the other men and women and children who choose to inflict this self-imposed exile from their busy daily routines to a one or two hour muscle bending sweatfest.  I suppose that sounds a little bitter.  I am not really.  I mean, a little but I come around when it starts becoming fun.  And it does.  It just takes me a few weeks and then I actually enjoy it.  The next time you are at the gym, look around at the faces of those who are actually enjoying it and remind yourself that it does come for you too...if you just keep working on it.

In other news, I can't find my charger for my camera at the moment and that is why you have not seen any new pictures yet.  I will do my best to find it today.  I hope that you all have wonderful, successful, happy days filled with accomplishment and compliments.


  1. I'm so happy Heather is happy! I too LOVE the sound of the train and can't quite figure out why everyone doesn't love it to? Also, could you look around at the faces of the gym for me, cause I won't be there to see them...

  2. Um, why is that? I called you today and you did not call me back. Hmm. Friday??? 9:30am??? If we can walk for 45 minutes, I am pretty sure that you could go and hour and 15 minutes. :)
