Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Um...reality check anyone?

Ok, so this was a busy day.  Yes, more busy than normal. It has been fairly nonstop all day.  I did fall asleep this morning after the kids left for school, missing my workout.  You can't blame me though as it was raining outside and still dark in my room and Larry left to work a show in Dallas and, well, it was wonderful...even Kierstin slept.  So, moving on, I met with Holly about Activity Days and I think we got a great head start.  Now, I also indulged in a massage today and she informed me that my back is really crooked.  If you know the story about my back surgery you will find the humor in that as I did.  Anyway, so the flood gates open once the kids get home from school and we have Kimball at a service project, Kaden at piano and Kyra headed to tumbling, meanwhile Kierstin in ready for war and really grouchy.  SO, I take Kyra to tumbling only to be met with lots of little girls her age there ready to work on their routine for the CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS!!!  Ok, normally I would not panic over such a thing because Kyra could care less about cheerleading.  I thought it was a dirty word to her before this very moment when she looks at me and says, "Mom, I forgot to tell you but I am trying out for cheer."  Back the car up a bit and say that to me again, I think to myself.  She was serious.  I say, "ok, what the heck" and she proceeds to join the other prancing little girls.  Have I mentioned that Kierstin is off the charts?  SHE IS!  So, I take all of the necessary paperwork to the car along with my unhappy baby to start filling things out.  Does anyone know how much it costs to be a cheerleader?  HOLY COW!  Needless to say, I am thinking Kyra has lost her mind and she will return to me from this little class with her head back on straight and ready to stick to tumbling or ballet.  What do you think she said?  She loved it and wants to keep going.  Uh huh.  My little daughter wants to try out for cheerleading.  Now, I have no problem with cheerleaders, in fact I wanted to be one when I was in junior high.  But I never thought that I would be a mom on the sidelines watching this little girl in that little outfit.  I am hopefully getting ahead of myself and this will all just fade away into the list of things we attempt and think better of.  OR, she will love it and I have just walked into a role I never thought I would play...Kristen would love it, but me?  HELP!


  1. Mom and Dad had 8 kids. 8! Leaves a little less mystery concerning the general loopiness of the whole Whelan bunch! :)

    You think this is bad? Wait til she starts dating. She'll be the cute little head chearleader (hahaha!!) wanting to date the football players. Larry may need to start bulking up a bit so he can scare 'em off. (Just kidding, Lar Bear... you're a stud!)

    I'm tempted to laugh at your plight but then, I've just had my own daughter... don't need karma biting me in the rear. All I can say is good luck with that!

  2. AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! It is a role you will play well, just tell her she is fat, and she isn't good enough, and she'll fit right in with the rest of the girls. It is a great way to stay in shape thats for sure! (Not that I would know, I was always the wanna be). But still, I am laughing, we'll cross our fingers that she'll quit and want to be a dancer, although, she would be so cute as a cheerleader. But still... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  3. Don't you just love the support from my dear sisters? It is awe inspiring. :) You should see her in her little outfit out there bouncing around. She is learning to do a back bend kickover at the moment. Holy cow!

  4. I feel your pain!
    I have absolutely no advice!
    I'm still trying to push the sports on my prissy girls. :)
