Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little update

It's been awhile.  You can generally surmise that Larry is in town when you don't see a post from me for a few days.  He is a busy, busy bee.  Which keeps me very busy as well.  We have now organized the playroom closet, which was not as bad as the garage, but pretty close.  We are now working on the master bathroom.  Suffice to say, it's a big job.  In the midst of that, Kimball is sick again.  I think he has food poisoning though.  I can't be quite sure, but that's what it looks like.  

I am happy to report that I have been at the gym consistently this week.  A small hooray will suffice as it is only Wednesday.  Much damage has been done from Thursday through Saturday every time I have attempted to get myself healthy...and I do mean every time.  You know the deal, you eat well, drink lots of water, work out at least a start to feel better and find that your clothes are even fitting a bit better, and then you relax a little and have a little bit of a Coke and maybe a chocolate covered pretzel or five.  I'm just saying, it's easy to get back in the cycle.  SO, I am trying to focus on the goal which is long term health and strength.  I still want to look drop dead sexy, but that is more of a long term benefit than short term goal.  I have found that reaching for that makes me discouraged.  So, I celebrate the little things.  

Well, I have more work to do, plant flowers, clean up my office, work on the know, little things.  :)


  1. Can u come plant flowers in my yard? If you're bored, I've got lots of work you can do for me!!!

  2. Hey, just thought you should know that I finally did it..I started a blog site:) It is in it infancy, no pictures yet..gotta figure that out, but a few ramblings. Check out what inspires me in the day...
    See ya ~Amber~
