Thursday, April 17, 2008

More motivation

Good morning all!!!  It is another cloudy rainy day and I am loving it.  Larry comes home today, which means that I am finishing up some cleaning and laundry.  It took me a long, long time to figure out that he equates love and appreciation to a clean home.  Some men like a home cooked meal, some are more physical, some like gifts and praise...Larry likes to see empty laundry baskets and clean floors...oh and paper towels on the paper towel holder and toilet paper in the bathrooms.  I used to get crazy upset about his obsession because I thought that he didn't appreciate the other things I do, but the truth is that it is how he is wired.  So, the kids and I make sure to do the best we can so that he never thinks that we don't appreciate how hard he works when he is gone.

Also, I found some more motivation this morning.  First, it was on the scale.  Since Sunday I have been working on eating a healthy diet of vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains and minimal animal protein, not quite vegan, but much closer than 
I have ever even considered.  I feel so much better!  I have been to the gym twice for walking.  I have slurped down lots of water.  I have even taken my vitamins.  I am pleased to share that I am down three pounds.  That is progress.  I received a catalog in the mail yesterday for this athleticwear company and the pictures of the amazing bodies were sheer motivation.   How can you not be motivated by this:

By the way, you should say hi when you stop by.  I feel as if I am just talking to myself when no one responds.  :)  I did start my little memory lane blog if you want to check it out.  Look over there to the left under "Musings".  It's just a start but it should be fun...for me anyway.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Whey, have you read Skinny Bitch? It promotes veganism, and I have to say I've bought into a lot of it (although I try to weed out the manipulative propaganda parts). Probably because of how it's presented. I love how no-nonsense and, well, bitchy, the authors are in their presentation. :) By this post, I'm thinking you may have read it. But, if not, you simply must!

  2. I have read it and there is a great amount of info in that book, if you can weed through some of the propaganda, as you say. I did learn a lot from it though!!! Particularly when it comes to how the body responds to food. I am now reading "Eat to Live" and I love it. It is a crash course on nutrition and it makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for the tip though. I did laugh out loud through some of it.

  3. I laughed a lot, too! Although, I did learn more about poop than I wanted to.

  4. OK, so I tried to post this to your journal site, but it does not allow anonymous comments, and I tried to set up a google name etc.. and it would not let me. So, here is my addition to your walk down memory lane....

    That is too funny!! I too remember the new house, and our very yellow bathroom counter top. I remember that you had a canopy bed, and that Brittany and I had strawberry shortcake bedding and curtains...a girls dream room in my mind for sure!! I played strawberry shortcake with the girls in the neighborhood often and can still remember playing on top of someones bunk bed (I cant recall whose though!!) The dirt road home with blackberries all down the side, and yes those snakes!! What would I do now if my girls found snakes?! Do you remember going to the jiffy store in the back of dads white (I think) truck?? I also seem to recall a story from that time of you being chased by a with your basket of corn..does that ring a bell? Ahh, for many obvious reasons, I do still look back on that house and that time with such fondness. It makes you want to build a house down a dirt road doesn't it. Have fun with your journaling, I will send thoughts your way when I have them!! Love---The Favorite:)
