Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Infirmary Patrol

I believe we need a song to lead this one in.  Perhaps its something ominous, for others it might be a comical little diddy.  Wait for it.

Kyra.  Home.  103.6 again overnight.
Kaden.  Home.  99.9 at 7:15, dressed and ready for school.  Had to stay home.
Kimball.  Home.  98. and achy and crying and headache and on an on.  (no lectures, please.  I know I am the parent and this part of the parenting team thinks he needs one more day.)

And last, but not least.
Kierstin.  Pleasant.  103.5 when she woke up this morning with the tell tale pink cheeks.  

Makes my head hurt just typing it out.  I love them and they are particularly sweet when not feeling well, but.  Jeesh!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cake trial: Take 1

Ok.  So, after my first attempt at those cute little confections, I can honestly tell you that I will do it again.  Mine are not nearly as adorable and refined as Bakerella's, but they are sure yummy.  It took a little longer than I calculated, so the little ones did not get to try them yet, but Kimball and Larry both declared them "tasty little morsels".  It was hard to imagine that they were going to become what they looked like in the pictures, but with an element of patience, and a dash of faith in the detailed instructions, they turned out just as they should.  I made chocolate cake with white candy coating so they taste something like a chocolate cake donut hole from Dunkin' Donuts, but what could be wrong with that?  Kimball is sure that he should get to have some for breakfast.  

By way of update, Kyra is still fighting her fever.  Manageable, but not happy if we let her go too long without medicine.  Kimball is whiny and swears he doesn't feel well, which I believe, but he will be going to school tomorrow, unless as Larry said, he is bleeding out his eyeballs, puking out his mouth, a fever north of 102 degrees or passed out.  Barring those symptoms, Kimball is headed to school.  Kaden, sweet Kaden, seems to be ok but was beginning to whimper and cough a little as we put him to bed.  He, on the other hand, swears that he wants to go to school but wasn't sure if he was feeling like himself.  I assured him that we would check on him throughout the night and make sure of how he was feeling prior to sending him off to school.  Mighty good parenting around here, all in all.

Larry spent much of his day cleaning out gads of gunk out in the garage (nice alliteration, huh?).  Who knew he had 4 little pots of plumbers putty?  And endless little containers of spackle?  We buy when we doubt the existence of such things as we work from one little project to another until we sift through the buckets out there and realize that we had always had said items and we were unknowingly practicing food storage, oh wait...food?  No.  Prepared in case there is a leak in the bathroom sink or a little hole left when we move a picture?  That we have!  

This doesn't mean that we know anything more about Canada today than we did yesterday, but we do know that we are moving forward as if it is happening.  Larry is sure that we are going and I am not putting a sign out front until the ink is dry on a contract from their legal department.  That is how I roll.  Well, sometimes.  No, not really, but you know what I mean.  Or do you?  It is late and children are all sleeping, save the biggest one, so I shall take my wound up tighter than a drum self and attempt to slow down the brain and get some sleep at a respectable hour.  I fear that may not happen though.  The mice are working overtime in my little brain tonight.  

Easter project fun

Think it's time to try these out!
Kids are home sick, of course, and this may be just the little project to brighten their little spirits on this beautiful day.  I will let you know how it goes.

Easter project fun

Think it's time to try these out!
Kids are home sick, of course, and this may be just the little project to brighten their little spirits on this beautiful day.  I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Illness Update

So, after another spike in Kyra's little fever (104.7) I have spent the last three hours trying to get her seen only to be told that it isn't Strep or the flu and that we need to keep her fever down.  Uh.  Huh.  So, guess who will be home from school tomorrow?  Yep!

Very good reason for insomnia tonight

It figures that on the nights that I take 2, no wait, I took 3! Advil PM pills my little Kyra wakes up just about now with a 104.8 degree fever.  I knew that Kimball had not felt well and had a legitimate fever, but it has now officially begun its cycle.  Kaden didn't feel well today, which sent him into a few emotional outbursts, but nothing that we preceded by a full blown fever.  This is a good one.  She has been in and out of the bath and feels like she might throw up so I am awake, even though most of my body is fairly certain that I should be sleeping.  Pretty certain indeed.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Check your newest Ensign!!!

I am so excited!  I got mine today and it is usually a good day but today's was even better as I am reading an article written by our very own Sheralyn  Mitchell!!!  She is in my ward and I have known her for some time.  I am so proud of her, for so many reasons and this is just one more!!!

Memory Lane

This is what our world encompassed about this time in 2004.  

It was about this time now 5 years ago that we were packing up a fractured family and moving home.  Is it really that long ago?  2004???  Yep.  When we arrived there were so many things that needed mending, including Kyra's terrible bangs, but we snuggled up in the comfort of home and let out a big long exhale.  Who knew what would be in store in the next two years?  Who could have EVER known?  Wow, is all I can say to that.  But these pictures show the youth of the babies I brought back here and how far we had to go.  I can't believe they were this little.  They were so, so young.  In this home we have healed and started kindergarden for two of our four children, we have married and divorced and married again and welcomed an angel into our family, we have had highs and a relative number of lows, but we have done so with tremendous support and love from our family.  I am a little overwhelmed looking at these pictures, and there are so many more of them.  I can honestly tell you that coming here was the best thing we have ever done and I will forever be grateful for the comfort of home.  I didn't really understand Larry's connection to this house, but after rifling through all of these years of photos, I can see the history that has been made here.  I would not have changed a thing, though I might have liked some foreshadowing or something, but all of it gave us our most cherished gift, our family.

Family Fun for All

Update at 8:00Pm  Holy moly, Amber is right!!!  I missed two little birthdays!  (probably more actually)  Baby K turns 3 on May 17th!  And we will have to celebrate that one with Prince RJ himself!  How could I have overlooked?  Shame on me!

Ok, so as I see it, there are several family friendly things coming up and I would really rather like to be ahead of the game than behind this time.  So, let's see how this goes.  Here is what we have to look forward to:

General Conference Weekend
Grace's Birthday Party (the big 06!!!)
A Special Activity Days presentation/ fireside on the Atonement (one of my little jobs)
Easter, Easter, Easter
Kaden getting his Bear badge at the upcoming Pack Meeting!
My (and Kyra's) trip to the NYC 
which means activities for a lonely Kaden while we are away
Haylee's Birthday Party (and this one is turning 9!)
Kierstin and RJ's Birthday!  Big Party for ALL
Getting out of School for a busy SUMMER/ TREK NORTH TO VANCOUVER (er, we think so anyway)

Oh, my I am tired just typing that out.  But, having it down means we can get an idea of some fun things to do.  As I search for ideas I will share them here and see if we can come up with something wonderifferic!

General Conference fun can be found here!!!
And Martha Stewart has a fun little Easter bit here:  Easter Workshop Week1

Hope you are enjoying this blustery day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Love this little dress!

Etsy :: bayanhippo :: Cuddly Cows RED --half sleeves KIMONO Dress-- SPRING

Ok, so I found this through my good friend Soulemama and I had to have one for Kierstin!  Now, I did not order the cow print, as cute as it is, but I did order a dress in this style that is white and tangerine with a really fun flower print that just made my day.  I want one in my size.  Oh, speaking of size, Kimball is begging me to make him chocolate chip cookies, else he might die he says.  I guess I can succumb to such a threat from time to time.  (maybe Michelle will come over and visit me if I have chocolate chip cookies.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Have you ever looked for a Texas Sized Donut?

Well, we found it.  On our recent journey to San Antonio we stopped in at Round Rock Donuts in none other than Round Rock, TX.  It happens to be a stop that allowed us to visit with Michael and Nicole and crew for a brief pit stop.  This has to be the sugar-iest donut I have ever had, and that is hard to do given all of the sugar already in there.  It was a fun little stop with messy fingers and sticky faces.  All in a days work though.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My goodness, they are growing

Well, if you follow my other blog, you know what I love right now and it includes these 4 babies that are currently sleeping, well 3 out of 4 ain't bad.  As I listen to the sounds of the house right now, I am increasingly grateful to have this abundance of love and happiness.  I just watched a movie called "Fireproof" that has some...production issues (and a tad corny), but I absolutely enjoyed it.  Kirk Cameron was tremendous in it.  I really do recommend that you watch it, unless you are a movie geek and you will criticize the production value or talent, as I was doing in my head.  The point is that I am so thankful to have this family, these children, this husband.  I know well that God has given us all certain gifts and blessings as well as trials and doubts.  All of those things have given me this beautiful family.  We have our moments, all of us.  We struggle from time to time.  But we have and continue to fight for each other.  

Kimball will be taller than I am sooner than you might think.  Kaden is becoming quite the little man.  Kyra is "breaking out of her shell"-HA!  She is really growing up though.  And Kierstin will be 3 years old.  I can't believe it.  I will be 36!!!  So much about this place we are in and the journey we are on feels right and as if there is so much more in store for us.  I know that I am rambling and should be sleeping, but I wanted to share.  Even if it is just for me.

I hope that you are warm and loved tonight and that you remember to fight for the loves in your life.  It is all worth it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sleepy medicine kicking in but I promised Michelle

Dancing, dancing and more dancing.  The girls have this new passion that includes "dancing" with each other to loud music.  They run and jump and generally look right at the camera the whole time.  These are from different episodes over the past week.  Hope you enjoy them.  I will share more tomorrow.  For now, sleep is creeping in and I have had to delete and correct a whole lot of times in these few sentences.  Better go to bed.