Friday, March 27, 2009

Family Fun for All

Update at 8:00Pm  Holy moly, Amber is right!!!  I missed two little birthdays!  (probably more actually)  Baby K turns 3 on May 17th!  And we will have to celebrate that one with Prince RJ himself!  How could I have overlooked?  Shame on me!

Ok, so as I see it, there are several family friendly things coming up and I would really rather like to be ahead of the game than behind this time.  So, let's see how this goes.  Here is what we have to look forward to:

General Conference Weekend
Grace's Birthday Party (the big 06!!!)
A Special Activity Days presentation/ fireside on the Atonement (one of my little jobs)
Easter, Easter, Easter
Kaden getting his Bear badge at the upcoming Pack Meeting!
My (and Kyra's) trip to the NYC 
which means activities for a lonely Kaden while we are away
Haylee's Birthday Party (and this one is turning 9!)
Kierstin and RJ's Birthday!  Big Party for ALL
Getting out of School for a busy SUMMER/ TREK NORTH TO VANCOUVER (er, we think so anyway)

Oh, my I am tired just typing that out.  But, having it down means we can get an idea of some fun things to do.  As I search for ideas I will share them here and see if we can come up with something wonderifferic!

General Conference fun can be found here!!!
And Martha Stewart has a fun little Easter bit here:  Easter Workshop Week1

Hope you are enjoying this blustery day!


  1. you remember that little girl you gave birth to almost 3 years ago?? And that cute yet obnoxious nephew of yours that came a few weeks later?? We cant do end of school until we do their birthdays..just a thought. And, what about a Heather, Kyra, and AMBER trip to NY?? Again, I would go for your behalf, so that when you and Larry wanted to go out alone, someone could stay with the FAO Swartz maybe. Let me know what days to plan for!! Hehehe..hahaha..

  2. hmmmm...Kyra...New York...I don't think so.....

  3. OH! OH! I'll go!!! Girls trip to NYC!! Um... that is if Larry's funding it of course. :)
