Monday, March 30, 2009

Cake trial: Take 1

Ok.  So, after my first attempt at those cute little confections, I can honestly tell you that I will do it again.  Mine are not nearly as adorable and refined as Bakerella's, but they are sure yummy.  It took a little longer than I calculated, so the little ones did not get to try them yet, but Kimball and Larry both declared them "tasty little morsels".  It was hard to imagine that they were going to become what they looked like in the pictures, but with an element of patience, and a dash of faith in the detailed instructions, they turned out just as they should.  I made chocolate cake with white candy coating so they taste something like a chocolate cake donut hole from Dunkin' Donuts, but what could be wrong with that?  Kimball is sure that he should get to have some for breakfast.  

By way of update, Kyra is still fighting her fever.  Manageable, but not happy if we let her go too long without medicine.  Kimball is whiny and swears he doesn't feel well, which I believe, but he will be going to school tomorrow, unless as Larry said, he is bleeding out his eyeballs, puking out his mouth, a fever north of 102 degrees or passed out.  Barring those symptoms, Kimball is headed to school.  Kaden, sweet Kaden, seems to be ok but was beginning to whimper and cough a little as we put him to bed.  He, on the other hand, swears that he wants to go to school but wasn't sure if he was feeling like himself.  I assured him that we would check on him throughout the night and make sure of how he was feeling prior to sending him off to school.  Mighty good parenting around here, all in all.

Larry spent much of his day cleaning out gads of gunk out in the garage (nice alliteration, huh?).  Who knew he had 4 little pots of plumbers putty?  And endless little containers of spackle?  We buy when we doubt the existence of such things as we work from one little project to another until we sift through the buckets out there and realize that we had always had said items and we were unknowingly practicing food storage, oh  No.  Prepared in case there is a leak in the bathroom sink or a little hole left when we move a picture?  That we have!  

This doesn't mean that we know anything more about Canada today than we did yesterday, but we do know that we are moving forward as if it is happening.  Larry is sure that we are going and I am not putting a sign out front until the ink is dry on a contract from their legal department.  That is how I roll.  Well, sometimes.  No, not really, but you know what I mean.  Or do you?  It is late and children are all sleeping, save the biggest one, so I shall take my wound up tighter than a drum self and attempt to slow down the brain and get some sleep at a respectable hour.  I fear that may not happen though.  The mice are working overtime in my little brain tonight.  


  1. you will be assigned to make these with the babies for Easter so practice ,practice, practice...I like the chickens.....

  2. i am so gonna try this- how flippin cute!! I think I'll try the bunnies:@)
