Friday, March 27, 2009

Memory Lane

This is what our world encompassed about this time in 2004.  

It was about this time now 5 years ago that we were packing up a fractured family and moving home.  Is it really that long ago?  2004???  Yep.  When we arrived there were so many things that needed mending, including Kyra's terrible bangs, but we snuggled up in the comfort of home and let out a big long exhale.  Who knew what would be in store in the next two years?  Who could have EVER known?  Wow, is all I can say to that.  But these pictures show the youth of the babies I brought back here and how far we had to go.  I can't believe they were this little.  They were so, so young.  In this home we have healed and started kindergarden for two of our four children, we have married and divorced and married again and welcomed an angel into our family, we have had highs and a relative number of lows, but we have done so with tremendous support and love from our family.  I am a little overwhelmed looking at these pictures, and there are so many more of them.  I can honestly tell you that coming here was the best thing we have ever done and I will forever be grateful for the comfort of home.  I didn't really understand Larry's connection to this house, but after rifling through all of these years of photos, I can see the history that has been made here.  I would not have changed a thing, though I might have liked some foreshadowing or something, but all of it gave us our most cherished gift, our family.


  1. it took me aminute to figure out who that little bald baby was :) Grace!! I forgot she didn't have any hair, so cute. Oh, to remember the days......
    so does that mean Vancouver is a done deal or what??

  2. It looks like Miss Haylee needed some bang help too!! And, clearly that was before I discovered a straightener for her crazy hair:) They were cute though! Its hard to believe that it has been almost 5 years since then, those girls were 1,3& they are almost 6,8&9!! Where has the time gone?

  3. I think you should post more of the pictures we took over the years of the kiddos on the stairs...

  4. Woooow! It didn't seem like it had been quite that long but those kids sure have grown up here! It's hard to imagine Lacey growing up so fast but she is the age that Grace was in those pics... sort of frightening to see how quickly the time goes. Perspective! So glad for all of the positive changes in your life. I hope we get to keep y'all here in Texas!!!
