Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sleepy medicine kicking in but I promised Michelle

Dancing, dancing and more dancing.  The girls have this new passion that includes "dancing" with each other to loud music.  They run and jump and generally look right at the camera the whole time.  These are from different episodes over the past week.  Hope you enjoy them.  I will share more tomorrow.  For now, sleep is creeping in and I have had to delete and correct a whole lot of times in these few sentences.  Better go to bed.


  1. I want 2 girls- even with their age difference they are still best buds- I love that. I wondered with how old Olivia is if she would really play with her sister- but we will have to wait and see and if its another boy we'll just keep trying- maybe?!?

  2. Now there is some Whelan shining through in those girls! Such the performers... too funny!
