Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Infirmary Patrol

I believe we need a song to lead this one in.  Perhaps its something ominous, for others it might be a comical little diddy.  Wait for it.

Kyra.  Home.  103.6 again overnight.
Kaden.  Home.  99.9 at 7:15, dressed and ready for school.  Had to stay home.
Kimball.  Home.  98. and achy and crying and headache and on an on.  (no lectures, please.  I know I am the parent and this part of the parenting team thinks he needs one more day.)

And last, but not least.
Kierstin.  Pleasant.  103.5 when she woke up this morning with the tell tale pink cheeks.  

Makes my head hurt just typing it out.  I love them and they are particularly sweet when not feeling well, but.  Jeesh!

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