Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday update

So, you would think we would be free of sickness by now.  You would think.  Larry came home for a few days and he has gotten sick.  HA!  Isn't that just perfect!  He has to travel again tomorrow so I hope he doesn't have the flu.  To be honest, I think he just has a little cold, but you know how it goes.  
Kierstin picked something up at nursery on Sunday as well.  I know it was nursery because a friend of mine who was working in the nursery that day got sick as well, as did her little boy who was in there.  Why do people bring their sick babies to church?


So, in other parts of my universe, um...well, the rest of my universe has been somewhat on hold as of late.  I guess I should get on that.  I am reading a new Jodi Picoult book called "My Sister's Keeper" and I am working on reading "The Golden Notebook" by Doris Lessing.  That one is treacherously long so I haven't quite done more than wet my toes with it.  I want to really get on into it though.  I understand it is incredible.  

I just got a few pictures from Brittany, too.  That little boy of hers is so cute.  I thought you might enjoy this one:

She seems to be enjoying having a little boy and he is so very cute.  

Oh, I have to add another pic!  Check this one out!!!  SO CUTE!

They better be able to get down here soon.  I can't believe I haven't seen him in such a long time.  Of course, Lindsey lives pretty close and I haven't seen Lacey either but I suppose that could be because of all the sickness we have had.  We would not want to get the littlest one sick.  Babies everywhere!!

Oh, and speaking of babies, for those of you who don't know...Kassi Boyd is pregnant!!!  I am so excited for her.  She lives so close so I can hold her baby when I need a fix.  (This so does not mean I want another one, because I am good!)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Thoughts

So, it has been pointed out to me that there has been a lot of "drama" and unhappiness in my  posts recently.  I mean, it could have something to do with the sickness that settled in and made itself comfy in our house...but who knows.  I thought I would share some funny shots taken lately to lighten to mood.

It's a beautiful day here and all is quiet.  (naptime after church) I am listening to "The Prince of Tides" soundtrack and it absolutely adds to the charm of our quiet that we get to enjoy for a little while.  It is one of those shiny moments I had hoped would return.  Let's see how long it lasts.  :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I got nothin'

American Idol was a little lame tonight.  Not earth shattering news, I know.  There was a cool lunar eclipse though which we ended up having a "Lunar Party" for.  Kimball invited some friends over.  I ate pizza which has succeeded at making me feel sick!  

I do have to say that the perpetual bad mood that comes with the getting over sickness thing for the kids is beginning to work my nerves.  I want them to be pleasant at least 10% of the day.  I am not asking for miracles here, but a little niceness would be appreciated.  Oh, and my verizon email is not working and I can't get anyone on the phone which is driving me crazy.  This is the point in this conversation that I must accept that it is past my bedtime and tomorrow is a new day.

Good night to all!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Prescription for Relief

1 Rainy Day
House cleaned by wonderful Brazilian couple
Carpets still lovely from the best carpet cleaning I have ever had from ZeroRez!  (Seriously, I won't use anyone else after this)
1 Grocery trip to restock bare shelves
1 Chocolate Cake- 3 layers of Lisa's Double Chocolate Chip Cake from
1 Copy of the new Hollywood edition of Vanity Fair magazine
Kids all comfortably medicated, in jammies, playing together peacefully for the first time in three weeks.

That is today's recipe for relief.

Oh, and a fair amount of Excedrin and Advil for those moments when the children could not find comfort.  Two of them actually argued over one spot on the couches in my family room today.  We have two big couches with a relatively easy to see television.  There was no shortage of room for either of them.  But, it was a fight nonetheless.

That sounds like one of those "priceless" commercials.

And I just have to add a special thank you to my sister Amber.  She called me this morning and said that she would be coming over around 4 for 2 to 3 hours to watch the kids and I could go do whatever I wanted.  Let's remember that this is the sister who has been in the hospital with her son for the past 4 days.  She has PLENTY to work with at her house and she was willing to come to my sick house and offer me a break.  I can't tell you how sweet that was to me.  I did talk her out of it as I have been sufficiently cared for today with my home being cleaned.  And, for the record, it is cleaner than it has ever been.  So...thank you to my sweet sister whose unending patience is consistently impressive to me.  I am in awe of her tenacity.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Shiny Moment!!!!

Kids are sleeping.  It's dark.  Lightning barely starts to flicker.  It's cold enough to turn on the heater and climb under covers.  A thunderstorm has started that is expected to last until well into Saturday night.  Thunderstorms.  I absolutely cherish thunderstorms.  

Friday, February 15, 2008

I give!

I have nothing else to give.  This is what I have come to today.  I just spoke to Amber and it sounds the same at her house.   To give you a glimpse inside the insanity I am swimming in:  

Kyra officially has pneumonia.  She has to be on antibiotics for 10 days, which was not ready at the pharmacy when I went by there earlier today. 

Kaden has come down with whatever crud is floating around my house.

Kierstin has come down with it as well.  Kimball is getting better, thank goodness.  Larry is still gone and struggling with this long trip.  I think he is having a pretty hard time with this one.  (And we still have until the 25th!)

The house is a small disaster, nothing insurmountable, but work.  Laundry has piled up again.  Doable, but more work.  I have not been to the gym since this plague  began and I feel just awful.  I have aches and pains and general grouchiness for all.  I wish I could turn on the charm, but I am drained.  I realize that things could be so much worse.  I know that.  And, for the record, I am grateful to have these relatively minor frustrations...BUT...I just want one enjoyable hour.  ONE.  Quiet.  peaceful.  warm.  cozy.  hour.  Is that too much to ask?  Maybe so.  

I want some shiny happy children for a while.  No sickness or frustration.  I do know that was not part of the contract when I arranged for these little buggers to join me in this life...but it would be nice.  I do get my shiny moments and I know they will return, but tonight, I wish I had some vice that would soothe my aches and make me feel a little better.  Coca-cola can only do so much.  (and I am out of that anyway!)

Oh, Kimball update that was funny today.  When I picked him up he was standing with Courtney.  When I asked him who she was he go this silly grin and said, "Courtney".  After a moment of silly quiet he says, "I think she likes me."  Too cute.  There is my shiny moment for the day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Funny Moment of the Day

Ok.  Let's face it.  It has been a rough few weeks with sick kids.  It seems as if everything that can break over here is breaking.  My fridge is leaking all over the place, as is a broken something or other in the hall bathroom.  Amber's baby is in the hospital with some mystery illness that scared us all just a bit.  Larry is traveling.  It's Valentine's Day.  Now, ordinarily, Valentine's Day is a sweet little holiday that comes and goes with just enough pomp and circumstance to make each of us feel sweet and loved.  But tonight, it is making me feel a little...nervous.

Kimball.  Kimball.  Kimball.  Let's remember the little bugger:

Ok, so that one is a few years old, but that is how I think of him.  So, tonight as we were wrapping up the day and preparing for parties at school tomorrow, the children each put together the ceremonial valentine's cards to give the kids in their classes.  They are not supposed to put individual names on them.  BECAUSE THEY DON'T MEAN ANYTHING!  But then, there is Kimball.  He says, as nonchalantly as if he had asked for a glass of water, "I want to give Courtney something, but I don't know what."

Did you feel grey hairs sprout up just now?  I did.  He asked me about my first crush and such.  He asked my opinion about what he should give this Courtney person.  I am so silly that he actually has "feelings" for this girl in the first place.  BUT, he wants to give her something.  And then, something struck me.  I had my first kiss when I was 12 years old to a strapping young man named Daniel at a volleyball tournament.  12 !!!  (Kimball is 11 if you are having trouble understanding my concern)  So, here we are, sharing stories about nothing, when Kimball's first crush becomes casual conversation.  I am not sure if I am ready for all that comes with this.  All I see is a much taller version of my little boy who once only had eyes for me.  


What is the DEAL!!

Ok, why can't people ever do what they say they are going to do!  I scheduled someone to clean...didn't show!  I scheduled a contractor to look at my back yard about a pool...didn't show!  I scheduled verizon fios to fix a problem and they haven't shown up yet either AND they said they won't be here until up to 6pm!!!  They called me from their office yesterday to tell me that they would be here between 12 and 2!  I have zero tolerance for people not showing up for appointments.  Can't make it...pick up a PHONE!  

That's all I got right now.

Monday, February 11, 2008

You know you're in trouble when...

your 11 year old walks upstairs to call your traveling husband to ask for advice on what to do with Mom!  Seriously!  Now, I did find it a little manipulative in a desperate last ditch effort to soften the impact of three long weeks of the flu in our house.  I mean, come on...he made it sound as if I had gone crazy and was yelling at them for everything.  For the record, I didn't yell once.  I said I didn't care if they ate dinner or not.  I walked away from the table and began scraping full plates of food into the disposal
 without a word.  I knew that if I had chosen to speak I would yell at my four unsuspecting, relatively innocent and pitifully sick children.  (baby included)  Just how do you stay sane and sweet with four sick kids by yourself?


Kristen just asked me how the diet was going.  HA!  I think I have gained weight this week.  I can't leave the kids so I haven't gone to the gym since last Monday.  My skin is broken out in a very pre-teen way.  My clothes aren't fitting me again.  I don't really have the money to go splurge away my anxiety, which according to Oprah is only a crutch anyway.  I am worn out.  I am also feeling very guilty for feeling so worn out.  I am supposed to take care of them and be nice and sweet and get them everything they need, right?  Well, today, I was actually wondering who was taking care of me! (Again, Oprah has a lot to say about that subject)  Now...I am reco
vering and will be sweet as pie again in the morning.  I just need to see them getting better.  I had scheduled a cleaning crew today and she did not show, which only added to my frustration.  I was so looking forward to her bleaching this sickness right out of my house.  But, she did not SHOW!  I know, take a deep breath Heather...tomorrow is a new day and it will all be well.  It could be worse.  Larry could be home and sick as well.  I told him that I might have to jump off of a 
bridge if that were the case.  
The kids are sleeping now and the house is all picked up...
not clean, mind you, but 
picked up.  And I will now share with you a couple of pictures that give me comfort at this hour.  

Whichever of you wished this curse of sickness  upon my home...


note the "wise woman" in the photo:

Friday, February 8, 2008


Kimball has the flu!  This poor kid has been so sick this year.  He is worn out with it.  Of course, it started last Monday with Kierstin being sick and then Kyra and now Kimball.  That is nearly two weeks of sick in this house.  This week it has kept me home from the gym.  I mean, I get it.  I have to be here to tend to the little buggers, but it has certainly thrown me off on my goals.  

Larry is now in Miami.  I feel like NORAD should have a "Larry tracker" at this point.  He is gone until February 25th and then home for 2 days and then gone again for a week, I think.  He tells me his schedule and I know it registers as something out of the Peanuts.  You know the voice.  The sound of the teacher as she says "waa waa waa waa...waa...waa" when she is actually giving the children instruction of some kind.  I know it's silly of me, but the plans change so much that I don't really know until he's actually in transit.  I hate that he has to be gone so much.  

Oh, Lindsey's baby was born!  She is a tiny little, dark haired little thing.  They are doing really well.  She looks so much like Mike at this point.  You can see pictures of her, taken by our new photog in the family, Kristen, on either Lindsey or Kristen's blog.

Well, it's time to wake up kids for the day.  Hopefully it will be a healthier day than yesterday.  Oh, and I changed the presidential update over there because I believe that it's time for a Democrat in office.  I am conflicted over the war thing, but for so many reasons, it's time...and John McCain is just one of them.  

Monday, February 4, 2008

Day Five

Well, today I am tired.  I have had Kyra home sick and Kierstin has been fighting sickness for over a week.  My bold efforts to get in shape included taking Kierstin to the child care center at the gym.  The very first time I took her there she brought home a nasty cold that she is only now beginning to crawl out of.  Poor Kyra is pretty pathetic.  She asked to take a bath to feel better.  She asked for chicken noodle soup to feel better.  She asked me to read her a story to feel better.  She asked to sleep in my bed to feel better.  Now, either she is really pathetic or painfully good at working me...either way, I did all of those things.  She actually apologized for asking for so many things.  It was sweet.  

I worked out again today.  I did it.  I have now been successful at some kind of physical activity every day, except Sunday.  I am eating things like oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, hummus (yes, I got the hummus) on Kashi crackers and fresh veggies for lunch and soup for dinner.  I am about 60 % there on taking my vitamins.  I do feel better when I take them.  I just keep forgetting.  I am down to only sipping on about 2/3 of a coke throughout the day...which is a leap for me.  Like Kierstin who needs to give up her bottles at 20 months old, I am far past my time to wean myself from my bottle of choice.  The tall shiny red label with white letters gets me almost every time...and when there is just a hint of ice floating around because the cooler it is in is just a bit too cold, I can't resist myself.  I digress.

At any rate, I am progressing.  I am getting organized at home.  I am decorating.  I am working on all things that have been sitting around screaming quietly for me to finally finish them.  I am working on it.

I have been profoundly grateful lately as well.  Every night that I walk through the house and turn off lights, check locks and peak in on sleeping children, I am reminded how blessed I am here with this family, and this home and all that it provides for us.  Kaden said to me one night that he felt really lucky to have me and Larry as his Mom and Dad.  Talk about parenting moments.  That was very sweet.  

It is time to attempt to sleep now, though it will not come for two more hours, if history repeats itself.  I hope that you are all well.  I hope that you feel a sweet satisfaction, amplified of course by sleeping children, as you lock up your safe and warm homes tonight.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day One

Ok! Larry is out of town for FIVE WEEKS! I am not at all sure what to expect...well, that's not entirely true...I do have some experience as a single mom. I have embarked on a fun little test for myself though. I have started training again! At the gym! Ok, before you start placing any bets, I have started training in a group with a friend of mine. She told me about this class she is in and her trainer and I thought I would try. I can honestly say that I have learned more and worked harder in the last week than I think I have ever gleaned from previous attempts at this. I am sore. I am focused and I am ready to take on this particular challenge. It is a self-inflicted challenge, mind you. I want to see how much change I can create in 5 weeks. So, the goal weight in my world...or goal shape I around 135 and comfortably wearing a size 8. I know that I am capable of it as I have done it before. I don't think it will happen in 5 weeks but I do think I can make a pretty good dent. Here is a picture of me a couple of years ago at 140 pounds.

And now we shall see a current photo:                                   
(A Relatively good shot)

And a not so great shot:

You should know; however, that the last picture is of Kierstin's first look at Christmas morning as we came down the of my favorite pictures!

So, with all of this said, I am excited to report that this week has gone fairly well, except for lunch with Kristen. She led me astray. I am going to see how far
 this will take me and how much I can actually accomplish. Wish me luck!