Monday, February 11, 2008

You know you're in trouble when...

your 11 year old walks upstairs to call your traveling husband to ask for advice on what to do with Mom!  Seriously!  Now, I did find it a little manipulative in a desperate last ditch effort to soften the impact of three long weeks of the flu in our house.  I mean, come on...he made it sound as if I had gone crazy and was yelling at them for everything.  For the record, I didn't yell once.  I said I didn't care if they ate dinner or not.  I walked away from the table and began scraping full plates of food into the disposal
 without a word.  I knew that if I had chosen to speak I would yell at my four unsuspecting, relatively innocent and pitifully sick children.  (baby included)  Just how do you stay sane and sweet with four sick kids by yourself?


Kristen just asked me how the diet was going.  HA!  I think I have gained weight this week.  I can't leave the kids so I haven't gone to the gym since last Monday.  My skin is broken out in a very pre-teen way.  My clothes aren't fitting me again.  I don't really have the money to go splurge away my anxiety, which according to Oprah is only a crutch anyway.  I am worn out.  I am also feeling very guilty for feeling so worn out.  I am supposed to take care of them and be nice and sweet and get them everything they need, right?  Well, today, I was actually wondering who was taking care of me! (Again, Oprah has a lot to say about that subject)  Now...I am reco
vering and will be sweet as pie again in the morning.  I just need to see them getting better.  I had scheduled a cleaning crew today and she did not show, which only added to my frustration.  I was so looking forward to her bleaching this sickness right out of my house.  But, she did not SHOW!  I know, take a deep breath Heather...tomorrow is a new day and it will all be well.  It could be worse.  Larry could be home and sick as well.  I told him that I might have to jump off of a 
bridge if that were the case.  
The kids are sleeping now and the house is all picked up...
not clean, mind you, but 
picked up.  And I will now share with you a couple of pictures that give me comfort at this hour.  

Whichever of you wished this curse of sickness  upon my home...


note the "wise woman" in the photo:

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