Monday, February 4, 2008

Day Five

Well, today I am tired.  I have had Kyra home sick and Kierstin has been fighting sickness for over a week.  My bold efforts to get in shape included taking Kierstin to the child care center at the gym.  The very first time I took her there she brought home a nasty cold that she is only now beginning to crawl out of.  Poor Kyra is pretty pathetic.  She asked to take a bath to feel better.  She asked for chicken noodle soup to feel better.  She asked me to read her a story to feel better.  She asked to sleep in my bed to feel better.  Now, either she is really pathetic or painfully good at working me...either way, I did all of those things.  She actually apologized for asking for so many things.  It was sweet.  

I worked out again today.  I did it.  I have now been successful at some kind of physical activity every day, except Sunday.  I am eating things like oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, hummus (yes, I got the hummus) on Kashi crackers and fresh veggies for lunch and soup for dinner.  I am about 60 % there on taking my vitamins.  I do feel better when I take them.  I just keep forgetting.  I am down to only sipping on about 2/3 of a coke throughout the day...which is a leap for me.  Like Kierstin who needs to give up her bottles at 20 months old, I am far past my time to wean myself from my bottle of choice.  The tall shiny red label with white letters gets me almost every time...and when there is just a hint of ice floating around because the cooler it is in is just a bit too cold, I can't resist myself.  I digress.

At any rate, I am progressing.  I am getting organized at home.  I am decorating.  I am working on all things that have been sitting around screaming quietly for me to finally finish them.  I am working on it.

I have been profoundly grateful lately as well.  Every night that I walk through the house and turn off lights, check locks and peak in on sleeping children, I am reminded how blessed I am here with this family, and this home and all that it provides for us.  Kaden said to me one night that he felt really lucky to have me and Larry as his Mom and Dad.  Talk about parenting moments.  That was very sweet.  

It is time to attempt to sleep now, though it will not come for two more hours, if history repeats itself.  I hope that you are all well.  I hope that you feel a sweet satisfaction, amplified of course by sleeping children, as you lock up your safe and warm homes tonight.

1 comment:

  1. hows the weight loss going.... mine, not so well. Im eating a snickers, and hating my boss... stress and chocolate... not a good combinatioN!
