Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Funny Moment of the Day

Ok.  Let's face it.  It has been a rough few weeks with sick kids.  It seems as if everything that can break over here is breaking.  My fridge is leaking all over the place, as is a broken something or other in the hall bathroom.  Amber's baby is in the hospital with some mystery illness that scared us all just a bit.  Larry is traveling.  It's Valentine's Day.  Now, ordinarily, Valentine's Day is a sweet little holiday that comes and goes with just enough pomp and circumstance to make each of us feel sweet and loved.  But tonight, it is making me feel a little...nervous.

Kimball.  Kimball.  Kimball.  Let's remember the little bugger:

Ok, so that one is a few years old, but that is how I think of him.  So, tonight as we were wrapping up the day and preparing for parties at school tomorrow, the children each put together the ceremonial valentine's cards to give the kids in their classes.  They are not supposed to put individual names on them.  BECAUSE THEY DON'T MEAN ANYTHING!  But then, there is Kimball.  He says, as nonchalantly as if he had asked for a glass of water, "I want to give Courtney something, but I don't know what."

Did you feel grey hairs sprout up just now?  I did.  He asked me about my first crush and such.  He asked my opinion about what he should give this Courtney person.  I am so silly that he actually has "feelings" for this girl in the first place.  BUT, he wants to give her something.  And then, something struck me.  I had my first kiss when I was 12 years old to a strapping young man named Daniel at a volleyball tournament.  12 !!!  (Kimball is 11 if you are having trouble understanding my concern)  So, here we are, sharing stories about nothing, when Kimball's first crush becomes casual conversation.  I am not sure if I am ready for all that comes with this.  All I see is a much taller version of my little boy who once only had eyes for me.  


1 comment:

  1. Thats because you're a hussy... just kidding. My first kiss was at like 15. But these days, kids are having sex and getting pregnant at 12-- so good luck with all of that!
