Friday, February 8, 2008


Kimball has the flu!  This poor kid has been so sick this year.  He is worn out with it.  Of course, it started last Monday with Kierstin being sick and then Kyra and now Kimball.  That is nearly two weeks of sick in this house.  This week it has kept me home from the gym.  I mean, I get it.  I have to be here to tend to the little buggers, but it has certainly thrown me off on my goals.  

Larry is now in Miami.  I feel like NORAD should have a "Larry tracker" at this point.  He is gone until February 25th and then home for 2 days and then gone again for a week, I think.  He tells me his schedule and I know it registers as something out of the Peanuts.  You know the voice.  The sound of the teacher as she says "waa waa waa waa...waa...waa" when she is actually giving the children instruction of some kind.  I know it's silly of me, but the plans change so much that I don't really know until he's actually in transit.  I hate that he has to be gone so much.  

Oh, Lindsey's baby was born!  She is a tiny little, dark haired little thing.  They are doing really well.  She looks so much like Mike at this point.  You can see pictures of her, taken by our new photog in the family, Kristen, on either Lindsey or Kristen's blog.

Well, it's time to wake up kids for the day.  Hopefully it will be a healthier day than yesterday.  Oh, and I changed the presidential update over there because I believe that it's time for a Democrat in office.  I am conflicted over the war thing, but for so many reasons, it's time...and John McCain is just one of them.  

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