Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday update

So, you would think we would be free of sickness by now.  You would think.  Larry came home for a few days and he has gotten sick.  HA!  Isn't that just perfect!  He has to travel again tomorrow so I hope he doesn't have the flu.  To be honest, I think he just has a little cold, but you know how it goes.  
Kierstin picked something up at nursery on Sunday as well.  I know it was nursery because a friend of mine who was working in the nursery that day got sick as well, as did her little boy who was in there.  Why do people bring their sick babies to church?


So, in other parts of my universe, um...well, the rest of my universe has been somewhat on hold as of late.  I guess I should get on that.  I am reading a new Jodi Picoult book called "My Sister's Keeper" and I am working on reading "The Golden Notebook" by Doris Lessing.  That one is treacherously long so I haven't quite done more than wet my toes with it.  I want to really get on into it though.  I understand it is incredible.  

I just got a few pictures from Brittany, too.  That little boy of hers is so cute.  I thought you might enjoy this one:

She seems to be enjoying having a little boy and he is so very cute.  

Oh, I have to add another pic!  Check this one out!!!  SO CUTE!

They better be able to get down here soon.  I can't believe I haven't seen him in such a long time.  Of course, Lindsey lives pretty close and I haven't seen Lacey either but I suppose that could be because of all the sickness we have had.  We would not want to get the littlest one sick.  Babies everywhere!!

Oh, and speaking of babies, for those of you who don't know...Kassi Boyd is pregnant!!!  I am so excited for her.  She lives so close so I can hold her baby when I need a fix.  (This so does not mean I want another one, because I am good!)

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that those are the first pictures I have seen of Billy ever? No one sends me pictures... how rude!
    I would love to share Lacey with everyone if you could get all of your kids well for a while! She's so dang cute... she needs to be seen! I'm hoping that Easter will find everyone perfectly well so get on that, will ya?
