Friday, February 15, 2008

I give!

I have nothing else to give.  This is what I have come to today.  I just spoke to Amber and it sounds the same at her house.   To give you a glimpse inside the insanity I am swimming in:  

Kyra officially has pneumonia.  She has to be on antibiotics for 10 days, which was not ready at the pharmacy when I went by there earlier today. 

Kaden has come down with whatever crud is floating around my house.

Kierstin has come down with it as well.  Kimball is getting better, thank goodness.  Larry is still gone and struggling with this long trip.  I think he is having a pretty hard time with this one.  (And we still have until the 25th!)

The house is a small disaster, nothing insurmountable, but work.  Laundry has piled up again.  Doable, but more work.  I have not been to the gym since this plague  began and I feel just awful.  I have aches and pains and general grouchiness for all.  I wish I could turn on the charm, but I am drained.  I realize that things could be so much worse.  I know that.  And, for the record, I am grateful to have these relatively minor frustrations...BUT...I just want one enjoyable hour.  ONE.  Quiet.  peaceful.  warm.  cozy.  hour.  Is that too much to ask?  Maybe so.  

I want some shiny happy children for a while.  No sickness or frustration.  I do know that was not part of the contract when I arranged for these little buggers to join me in this life...but it would be nice.  I do get my shiny moments and I know they will return, but tonight, I wish I had some vice that would soothe my aches and make me feel a little better.  Coca-cola can only do so much.  (and I am out of that anyway!)

Oh, Kimball update that was funny today.  When I picked him up he was standing with Courtney.  When I asked him who she was he go this silly grin and said, "Courtney".  After a moment of silly quiet he says, "I think she likes me."  Too cute.  There is my shiny moment for the day.

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