Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ahh, motherhood...and other stuff on my mind.

Ok, so first of all, I have been informed by several of my family members that I may benefit from some serious therapy.  Evidently, my blogging has sometimes resembled something of a manic depressive rant, which I totally get.  I am keenly aware of the ups and downs and I admit that this medium is something of therapy for me.  I like to "get it all out", so to speak and if there are readers among you who like to share in the journey, be my guest.  I also understand that there may be a few "blog stalkers" out there who have stumbled onto my little rant through friends and family.  Well, I say welcome and come and go as you please.  Feel free to say hi and share your thoughts every now and then.  

Moving on.

Today was a fun day as we had a great baseball game with Kaden, at which he was given the coveted Game Ball.  He was very proud.  In fact, it was his wish last night as I tucked him in that he might get it today.  We took the whole crew today.  Can you say fun?  I am not sure who was more whiny, Kimball or Kierstin.  In fairness, Kierstin was kind of off the charts when a friend came by...well, let me set the scene for you.  Baseball is a big deal out here.  Maybe it is everywhere, I don't know, but here it's a bring the family and the dog and hang out for awhile, get a drink and a sandwich at the concession stand and watch as many games as you can stand kind of thing.  I often leave Kimball and Kyra with friends while we have games because they don't like to go.  Kierstin is now very aware of the excitement of the place with the strollers filled with babies to chat with and dogs on leashes to torture and the never ending supply of m&m's at the concession stand.  I thought that I had gotten smart when I decided to bring the playpen to the game to try to keep her confined and entertained.  Well, last night it worked.  She was great.  (yes, we played a game last night as well.)  So today, she remembered that she wasn't keen on being trapped and yelled at me many times in the first thirty minutes to get her out.  What she hasn't realized yet is that she is big enough to just get her leg over it and topple out.  It won't be long.  So, she is yelling and we are playing a pretty good game and Tim, my neighbor who she loves, comes up and falls for it.  He takes her out of the playpen. 
Cardinal rule with babies in playpens: you do not take them out unless you are going to chase them.  (pass it on)  SO, he took her out and she was free.  So I chased her around for thirty minutes.  Oh, and did I mention that Kimball and Kyra did not want to be there?  SO, we win the game, it's time to go and I have to wrap up the playpen and get to the car.  The darn thing won't close.  You know what I mean with these things.  They have a mind of their own and this one must have wanted to stay at the baseball park because I could not get it together and there I was in the middle of this place with adults looking at me with a combination of sympathy and laughter.  I wasn't so smart at that point.  I walked away from the darn thing.  (I should confess that I was swearing quietly at it by this point.)  I got to the team just in time to hear Kaden get the game ball and tell Larry that he had to get the baby bed.  He couldn't get it to fold either.  It is now in pieces in the back of the car.  By the time we got in the car I was a little frazzled and then ran off to have brunch with the sisters and Mom for Mother's day.  Speaking of which:

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!  If you don't hear it enough today you can come back and read that over and over again because you certainly do deserve it.  It is a brutal, albeit wonderful and sweet, job.  It is a strange thing to realize today but this year my children will be 2 (next Saturday), 7, 9 and 12.  It is hard to believe that for 12 years I have been responsible for another person's life and I haven't yet figured out how to take care of my own.  I really think it may be time to step up to the plate and figure out what I want to be when I grow up.  :)

Oh, here is a quote I love today:

It is impossible to soar like an eagle if you are surrounded by turkeys.  

You must know what that means and you know how funny that is.  I am going to get some sleep tonight and start it all again tomorrow.  It should be a nice day and, by the way, the kids are out of school in four weeks.  What in the world will I do with them then?  Ideas??????????????

1 comment:

  1. Am I the turkey?? I love reading your rants, its funny. I think its funnier to your family members because we can all hear your voice when we read it! A gift only we, as sisters and parents, have! We are so blessed =)

    Happy Mothers Day to you!
