Sunday, May 4, 2008

She is almost 2!!!

Ok, so I have been a little busy.  As I said, Larry is home and he has been in project mode for the past two weeks.  We have cleaned and purged and organized the following things in the past two weeks alone: garage, playroom, attic, all closets and the office.  The pantry has been cleaned and organized as well.  The gardening has been in full swing including a new flagstone patio and lots of plantings.  That just happened yesterday, in fact.  I will have to take some pictures tomorrow to share with you our handiwork.  We have also started painting the master bath, well enough for Larry to decide that it is worth it to him to pay someone else to finish it.  :)

In all of the excitement we have caught ourselves laughing and laughing at Kierstin.  I mean, she has had big projects this week as well.  She learned how to open the front door, walk out of it and close it behind her.  She has gotten out of her crib at naptime and walked down the stairs to find Larry in the backyard.  That scared him pretty bad.  He thought that someone had come in and let her out I guess.  She is largely avoiding naps anymore and still clings to this darned bottle as if her life depended on it.  But, she is coming up on 2 years old.  It is incredibly hard to believe that so much fun and real joy has come out of such a hard time in our lives.  She is a miracle.  I mean, she is still a 2 year old with all of the fun that comes with that age, but it is so fun to swing with her in the hammock, or crawl in bed with her and watch cartoons.                                                                                       She is so funny about Kyle, my brother.  She doesn't want him to leave.  She hugs Kyra when she is sad or hurt. 


She plays with her like a big girl now.  She is just fun.  Here are a few shots of her that I found funny tonight.  She seems to know how she likes to pose. 

And, by the way, I do still adore my other children.  In fact there are lots of stories about them as well.  I will have to catch you up on them.  As for me, I think I may be ready (again) to be committed to being healthy and staying physical.  I mean Lindsey had a dream that I actually achieved my Sheryl Crow rock hard body so I guess I'd better get to it.  I am going to the gym in the morning to train with Casey, an amazing trainer, whether I want to or not.  I had better get to sleep then.  Wish me luck!!!  And Cammie, don't think I won't come drag you to the gym.  I mean, I have to get myself there first, but once I get that much energy you better believe that I can come get you too!  And Allison!  Wait, she wants to go.  She needs to make me go.  Hmm.  Well, either way, I am going in the morning.  Let's make happy wishes that Heather can set a goal and keep it.  Lots of happy wishes!!! 


  1. Thats crazy that shes almost 2! I cant believe it. Ugh, that means Carsons almost 2! Sorry I didn't call back, bad time of the month=) Good luck with the Sheryl Crow thing, not too much pressure huh?

  2. You pretty much have to succeed... you can now make the dream of your beloved little sister come true. Haha... was that motivation enough? Hey, I have managed to get my butt to the gym regularly these last couple of weeks so now you have to step it up so you can keep up with me! :) Ok not to worry... I have a long way to go even to catch up with where you are now... but still, the challenge is on!
    Kierstin is way too cute! And seriously, I would let Larry find projects around here any time... I don't have an organized space in my house. Ug... I need help...

  3. Not to worry about my progress. I had Wendy's for dinner and I am more sore now than I was this morning. It is making me a little stressed actually...but I will carry on tomorrow, when I hurt less.
