Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cut what!

Ok, so I cut my hair.  Simple thing, right?  Well, yes, except that I haven't quite figured out if I like it or not.  I mean, it's cute and all and blonde...yes, but a little too cute so far for me.  You know that cute is not really a word that has ever really been used to describe me unless someone was trying to be mean.  

By the way, I spent most of my day today at the middle school with BIG kids.  I thought that the 5th graders were big, but my oh my, do they grow!  And their voices change.  And some of the boys had hair on their faces!  Oh wow, was I surprised.  It was a fun day, all in all.  I came home and slept for about 2 1/2 hours and then played in the dirt again until the sun would no longer keep me company.  I fear that I have become somewhat obsessed.  I do so enjoy playing with the flowers and keeping it all happy.  I think it is another one of those things keeping me from paying attention to things I should be doing like going to the gym, reading, school...oh and 4 kids.  Oops.  

We have ONE MORE GAME tomorrow.  And one more week, or partial week of school.  I can't wait to be released from that schedule for awhile.  It should be oh so interesting.

It's late again and I should be sleeping by now.  :0

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