Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A quick note in the midst of mind numbing busy work

Hi.  So, so much to do and so little time.  It's the end of school and there are parties and playdays and final work and books to finish, as well as baby showers and cleaning and parties of my own.  I do know a few people that still invite me to things.  :)  Larry is home as well, which makes for busy days.  Everyone is a little overhyped about getting out of school so the emotions around here are high.  In all of that, I did cut my hair.  It's shorter and blonde.  I now need to get to the tanning bed.  In fact, I should go now as they are open until 11.  Oh, and the gym.  As "follower" as it sounds, I am kind of digging Oprah's little 21 day cleanse idea.  Check it out, it sounds pretty cool.  I liked what the author says about gaining control over her food cravings.  I have allowed myself to let my cravings control my mood and my health.  A bad combination any way you cut it.  Let's just get out of school for now though.  :)

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