Monday, July 7, 2008

From Grouchy to Grateful

It has occurred to me that I have been a tad less than grateful lately.  It really struck me when I looked at all of the pictures that I have not shared and the smiles they bring to me when I remember what made me take the pictures in the first place.  Enjoy!
Unfortunate placement of light saber...Kaden ought to stay out of the way when such a battle is underway. 
Kierstin made me laugh out loud with this.   I know that Michelle will fall over when she sees these.  :) 

(Welcome back from Vegas, by the way. We missed you.)                                    

Fudgesicles on the back porch!!

Mom with the babies. 
Kyle with Kierstin, who thinks he is the best thing ever.  

Spaghetti sauce better than anything I could make for a meal everyone enjoyed on a Sunday afternoon...

followed by a ridiculous mess in the kitchen that can only be the result of a busy day in the kitchen making cookies and spaghetti with the kids.  

Good day.


  1. What spaghetti sauce is that? and why am I never invited when there are cookies? Or fudgesicles? You suck

  2. Um, A. The fudgesicles were from Father's Day and you were invited. And B. The sauce came from Central Market. It was a "Seeds of Change" Puttanesca sauce which has olives in it. I loved it. And this post was a gratitude post so saying that I suck is not quite in keeping with that spirit. So be nice!
