Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun times

It's Monday.  IT's MONDAY!  The kids have 6 weeks left before they go back to school.  Larry has been gone for two weeks and I have not left the kids for alone time in nearly 4 weeks.  Mom wants to know if I am stressed.  :)

Actually, I am fine.  I did get a little discouraged last night, but I think that is just what happens when you haven't had a pedicure in 6 weeks.  I know...I'm spoiled.

Our morning started early today with a trip to a doctor's office to have a Cat scan.  Kimball, as some of you know, has been sick for some time, to varying degrees, with an as of yet undiagnosed stomach ailment.  It was less than pleasant for Kimball as he had to drink that barium liquid nastiness...which of course, means it was unpleasant for me.  But, he did it and we should have the results back tomorrow.  Let's hope there will be some answers provided by this latest test.  

I am happy to say that Larry comes home this week and then Brittany is coming out next week to spend a few days with us.  I can't wait to see those babies of hers.  And Brittany of course.  I always like it when we get to hang out for a bit.

You know, it's only 10:30 in the morning.  I am sure that there will be more to report later.  Maybe with some pictures of happy kids.  For now, you can enjoy this picture that Kaden took of me whilst cleaning out the girls closet the other day.  You can see that I am tired in this one.

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