Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyra!!!

So today was another day of celebrating Kyra's 7th birthday.  We started out at the Vista Ridge Movie Theatre to see the first showing of "Kit Kittredge".  It was pretty depressing, but a very sweet m
ovie.  I guess when you see a movie set in the Great Depression, you stand a pretty good chance of it being depressing.  Even little Grace thought it was a little sad.  The guest list included friends from school, church and well as Mom, Amber, Holly and myself.  

We then went over to Mimi's Cafe for lunch and cookie cake and presents.  Take a look at some of the fun.


  1. Look how fun!!! That is so amazing how much attitude and personality a group of girls that age can have! So cute. Sorry I couldnt go-- ya know, work and school! Ugh. Mom looks so cute in that picture!! I'm glad yall had fun. The girls are certainly getting older!

  2. Awww... sad that I couldn't make it! If it makes you feel better, I got a bikini wax while y'all were having fun... YOWSA! Too cute!
