Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back to the fun stuff of life

Can anyone tell me when this happened?  

Has it been long enough for her to be this big?  She is as much fun as you can imagine, even with a cold.  And now she is getting so big. 
 I just thought I would share a little magic tonight, instead of political and  moral banter.  
I am sure you will appreciate the tiny distraction.  



  1. OH! I just adore that baby!!! I've always had a soft place in my heart for that one... not that I don't for all of them... you know what I mean. She's always had the cutest little voice-- from the time she did her adorable chattering to the cute way she says "I dunno".. and everything in between. Such a doll!

  2. I love that she has the exact same smile in all the pictures! How cute and chubby she was. And now she's a big girl. I want one! I want one!


  3. that girl is such a doll, she is getting so big. i can't believe how blonde she you have 2 beauties on your hands, i feel for larry when they are teenagers!
