Friday, November 28, 2008

You have got to be kidding me!

This is why this whole Prop 8 thing is so ridiculous.  How can one side of this force a man out of his job because he stood up for something he believes?  How can that be defended!!!  No matter which side you stand for, or what you believe in, or what religion happens to stand up for their beliefs, this is not ok.  There were so many more people and religions involved in raising the money to get that passed.  Why Mormons?  An easy target?  To anyone who would do such a thing: Shame on you and your incredibly un-American actions.  You should be embarrassed!  I know I am.

Film Festival Director Forced out Over Prop 8 Support
NOV 28TH 2008 12:00PM
filed under: eDemocrats, Gay Rights, Ballot Measures

Richard Raddon, Director of the Los Angeles Film Festival, was forced to resign his position after it became known that he donated $1,500 in support of Proposition 8, the recently passed amendment to the California Constitution that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Raddon, a committed Mormon, was reportedly besieged by angry e-mails and phone calls to his home from supporters of the "No on 8" campaign, looking to punish him for his political views. The Mormon church urged its members to support the amendment and contributed $20 million toward its passage.

Raddon offered to resign his post when the contribution became public, but he was given a unanimous vote of confidence by the board of directors of Film Independent, which sponsors the film festival. The controversy over Raddon's involvement in the passage of Proposition 8 only grew, leading to a second offer of resignation, which was accepted. Proposition 8 passed by a comfortable 52-48 margin, helped by support from religious groups as well as African-Americans and Hispanics.

The political left preaches tolerance and acceptance but lives by a very different standard when it comes to political opinions. There is no room for dissenting political opinions in the salons of the liberal left, as Raddon painfully learned. No American, no matter what his line of work, should be hounded out of his job because of his political or religious views. Unfortunately for Raddon, he works in one of the most liberal job environments in the country, Hollywood. And Hollywood liberals demand conformity to their political orthodoxy in order to remain a member in good standing.

1 comment:

  1. Melanie! I have heard a lot about you from Lindsey. Thanks for your comment. I do know that there are many people affected by this and it is awful. I don't understand why we can't choose our views and live our lives, in 2008 by the way, without the threat of such persecution. I also believe that it won't get any easier. I am just sickened by all of this.

    Thanks for "stalking" me. :)
