Friday, November 28, 2008

Ok, still upset, but want to start the holidays with cheer!

Yes.  I am bothered by the outcome of the situation in CA with Prop 8 and the literal trauma that it has bequeathed to all those who even thought about for a half a second, much less those who actually did something about it, God forbid.  BUT!  I will move into another, more festive topic.  (but I am still seething a little, fyi)

So.  We have enjoyed another wonderful, grateful Thanksgiving.  Complete with a delicious Larry turkey and way too much food.  It was all lovely and I am grateful for so many things.  I think I am even more aware of those things as we muddle through some rather intense changes in our world.  As we head into December and Christmas, I hope to really adjust the way we celebrate.  I want to share some magic throughout the month of December, rather than build everything up to one morning that always goes by too fast, and equated to a lot of pressure.  So, I am in search.  Search for events and traditions to share with the angels in my house that are now old enough to really appreciate some fun.  I have looked at ICE!  at Gaylord Texan, which is fab,  but a whopping 9 degrees under the tent.  Can we do that?  Dunno.  I will do Holiday in the Park at Six Flags and remember the incredible times had there as a teenager, so many years ago.  We will possibly do the North Pole Express in Grapevine.  I hear fun things about that.  

But, I am wondering what you do to kick off the season.  Share some ideas with us and let's have a wonderful, magic Holiday season, full of appreciation for a Savior that came to this earth to redeem us and teach us how to be happy, in all circumstances. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. ok, i totally agree with you on all that "CRAP" going on in California!!!! But for the Holidays I also think that is a great idea to make it all season long not just one day so I am now going to look up stuff to do in good old Kansas!!!!

  2. Look in grapevine, there are so many things going on out there!! Jas and I are taking Carson to the North Park Mall to see the train show, its a big deal! We'll also go to some cool stuff in Frisco, but thats a bit of a drive for you. The coolest stuff seems to be in grapevine!

  3. If you have any inclination to drive allllll the way out here, they are doing the nativity display at the Arlington stake center this weekend. It's really quite cool and it's how we kick off the Christmas season. If anyone does have just such an inclination, we will be happy to host dinner at our house before or afterward with some festive treats for the kiddos... if y'all want.
