Monday, November 17, 2008

My two cents

Adventures in Mormonism » Blog Archive » A people set apart: Mormons and Prop 8

Ok.  So, as I read through and listen to the great debates about Mormons and money and Prop 8, it is actually quite mind numbing.  I have heard of very un-democratic picketing of Temples and read the incredibly harsh words of many and I find it altogether impressive.  Impressive because so many of our members have stepped up to a huge debate, stared it in the face and laid out their time and money to protect something we hold sacred.  I know and fully understand the importance of preserving equal rights for all and that we must keep church and state separate.  I also know that every member of a civilized society must stand up for what they believe and if there are members of this church who stood up for this even in the face of such odds, I am proud of them.  Now, as I say all of this, I am thinking of the blog I just read from a fellow Mormon blogger and I think that he safely knows a heckuva lot more than I do about the whole thing and I think he summed it up really well.

Times won't get easier and the choice to stand for something won't get prettier in these last days.  I am reminded of the quote "You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything".  We stand for something bigger than ourselves and I am proud to still be counted among the faithful.  The separation of the wheat from the tares is hard upon us and this is no exception.  By the way, I am in no way suggesting that those who opposed Prop 8 should or would be counted among the "tares".  I do; however, suggest that the decision to stand by our leaders is one that it seems there are many struggling with in the aftermath of this event.  

That's all you will hear from me on a political rant.  It's less political for me than it is about my faith in this Gospel and in a Great Plan of Happiness for each of us.


  1. Well said. This is just the beginning of this and other issues and we, as Latter Day Saints, are going to have to "stand a little taller," as President Hinckley often asked us to do. I'm afraid it won't be getting any easier to be a member of the Church, but the rewards will undoubtedly be great.

  2. i am just not understanding why it matters if "mormons" helped pass the deal, "catholics" and other religions played a part too and thats great. If you don't base your decisions on your faith than what do you have left? I think its great that a man had enough money to stop help a cause he believes in, you know if i had that kindof money i would too. I agree that you have to stand for something. and thats all i got to say about that......
