Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

I woke up to the most delicious smell that can only be attributed to Thanksgiving.  Larry was already hard at work on gravy and getting the brined bird ready to roast.  Little ones were watching cartoons, oblivious to the magic in the kitchen.  As the day goes on, we will have more and more smells coming from our kitchen, mostly at the hands of a skilled and dedicated chef.  I have discovered that I am not a great sous chef, SLOW is the word, oh and messy.  

And now we have a joyful combination of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and Larry mocking the performers in the background, an annoying little glitch in our pleasant morning.  But, he is making Bagels & Lox, one of my all time favorite Jewish dishes shared by Larbear.  

Announcement:  The turkey is going in the oven right this minute!  Wahoo!

On the menu today:
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Sweet potatoes (2 versions. one from mom and one from larry)
Cranberry relish

And for dessert:
Pumpkin pie/ pecan pie/ apple pie/ cherry pie/ Michelle's Turtle Pie...and the kids get to make their own little personal pudding pies.  Michelle shared that little idea and I loved it so much that we ran out to Walmart last night with Kierstin already bathed and in her Christmas jammies to pick up the crusts.  

So much food and fun and family!  SO much to be grateful for this day.  Have a wonderful day and enjoy all that you have. Freedom and family and faith!  

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