Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, it's that time of year.  It seems that the entire month of November is filled with suggestions intended to remind us of all that we have to be grateful for. We sit and smile and think of a few things that we know that we are and ought to be grateful for.  We had a visit from our home teachers tonight and they asked our children what they are grateful for.  Here's how that went:  

Kaden said he would have to think about it.
Kimball said...oh wait...Kaden thought of something...
My family.
Kimball is quick to say that he is grateful for food.  (yep, he really did)
Kyra, with a coy little smile, says rather innocently that she is grateful for the Holy Ghost.  (she then tilts her head and bats her eyelashes at the unsuspecting visitors.)

Now.  In my thoughts on what I can do to improve and strengthen my family, I have thought many times that we need to work on this one aspect, gratitude.  But what's critical to that is recognition.  If we don't recognize something as a blessing, or a gift, then how can we truly be grateful.  Here's the goal:  To spend one week, or even one day, pointing out all of the things, big and small, that we are given on a daily basis that we could be, should be, grateful for.  

I will start a little list, and please...feel free to add to the list in your comments.  What are you grateful for today?

Day One:

Quiet at the end of a busy Sunday
Larry, sitting in church with us today.
Larry, leaving early enough to come home and make us lunch.
Kimball, for interviewing and accepting the call to receive the Priesthood.  Very sweet.
Kaden, for his warm and enveloping example.  I can't tell you the number of people who tell me how great they think he is.  It's in his spirit, and I am honored to be his mother.
Kyra, for being Kyra and for giving Kierstin a horsey ride tonight.  Big laughs.
Kierstin...for the unending joy that she is.  There was great heartache to get her here, but there is a truly divine reason for her addition to our family.  
Lucy, for telling me a sweet story that Kaden had shared with her about Kierstin and how much he loves her.
Mom, for agreeing to drop everything and go to help a family in need.  (while she is finishing up helping another family while they are traveling.)
Dad, for insisting on being there when Kimball is set apart.
The great joy that baseball season has ended.  (and that Kaden DID get a game ball!)
My sweet family for coming to Kaden's game last night.
Primary programs in Sacrament meeting.

I believe that I could just keep going on and on if I sat and thought about it more, but I am also grateful for sleep which is needed in order to continue appreciating tomorrow.

Ask your children what they are grateful for...and if it's video games and tv, it might be time to have a gratitude lesson.  :)  I know it is time in my house.

Good night!


  1. Im grateful Obama won =) Haha, just had to say that! I hope God forgives me for voting for the Anti-Christ!!!

    No,really, I'm grateful for my HOME! My little son, and coming back from a long vacation, with dark brown hair!

  2. Happy Anniversary!!!!! (Sorry...forgot to say that earlier when I talked to you)

    Oh, and since we're being grateful, I'm grateful for you watching Lacey for us on Friday for one. :) The yummy chicken tortilla soup recipe I found and made yesterday can also go on the list. SO GOOD! And I'm grateful that my husband is so in love with his daughter that he just had to tell everyone about her big accomplishment of pulling herself up last night. He is one proud daddy! It's cute. There's lots more that I'm grateful for, but people come here to read your words, not mine. :) See you Friday!!
