Sunday, August 31, 2008

Days 3,4 and 5

Ok, so here is the belated update from last week's festivities.  I wanted to take pictures of the kids everyday and also note how the day went and what we prepared for dinner.  It is my own little way of seeing if I can cook more than I do.  I am not a bad cook, in fact, I can hold my own in the kitchen.  I just get so busy with the kids that I actually kind of forget.  Oops.

These are from day 5!  Can you tell how excited they were to be at Friday?!  And notice three things:
1. Kaden's cheesy smile
2. Kyra's outrageous outfit
3. Atticus at the ready to BOLT out the door 
(he has a sense for when the door is about to be opened)
4. (not pictured) I didn't cook this night.  
I believe we went with the "fend for yourself" approach.

Day 3 was tiring, but started out ok.  The afternoon did get crazy when we had to be in so many places.  Church activities took center stage and made for a fun night. We still cooked!!! Dinner: Turkey breast, mac n cheese, green beans and corn on the cob.

So day 4 proved to be the tired, melting as if the world was ending type of day.  Kaden was so tired and we were all just wiped out.  I was getting ready for Kassie's baby shower so I ended up being awake and cooking until the wee hours. Look how cute Kaden and Kyra are here though.  Sweet even.  By Thursday, Kimball was over me taking pictures of him in the morning.

Dinner: We had breakfast for dinner.  That is always fun.

Monday's meal was Lasagna, Caesar salad, and bread.
Tuesday was Chicken alfredo a la Costco.  Easy!

The good news with the meal thing is that everyone ate!!!  We'll see how it goes next week.

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