Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This is me whining for a moment.

Ok, good intentions.  GOOD INTENTIONS!!!  I have been trying to come up with ideas of things that the kids could do other than video games and t.v. and upon conversing with Mom the idea of having a Lego building contest was born.  So, here I am, clean house, laundry going, plan for dinner (with all of the necessary ingredients, I might add), and a secret plan to gather all of the kids around the beloved television tonight for a live airing of "America's Got Talent", a show I love to watch with the kids...OH!  And I went to the GYM!?!  as I was saying...I am here feeling pretty accomplished and I pronounce my grand plans upon Kaden and Kyra and the sing with excitement and glee...ok, they were just excited, no singing happened...then King Kimball gets in the car.  He yells at me, spits in my direction in a playful "she won't get mad at me for this" way and then says that he WON'T play the game and he WON'T do anything with the kids.  I can't even tell you how fast my blood began to boil.  It is for this very child that I am trying to come up with things to do.  It is this child that I am aiming to please.  I know that Kaden and Kyra will be happy with nearly any idea that I throw their way...but Kimball has become incredibly hard to please, and that offends me these days.  So, now we are here and Kimball is grouchy and making everyone he encounters angry, in fact, Kyra just came down crying because of him.  What am I to do?!?

I am to go into my room for a few quiet moments, my clean room, floors vacuumed, bathroom shining, bed made room.  I am to then calmly explain to the little angels that I am going to go build legos and enjoy myself and they can choose to be mad if they want to.  Which is what I did, and they stopped being mad and couldn't resist the mound of legos on the floor in the playroom, where we ended up with 7 little monkeys and a mom.  And now, I will make my well planned dinner.

1 comment:

  1. OK, Heath, you can do this!! The King will do all in his power to thwart your well laid plans, in hopes that he will retain the keys to the kingdom by making everyone else miserable (and if he can get them to blame the woman trying to usurp his throne, then all the better!!) He is hoping that by being ugly he will win, maybe because it has worked in the past, maybe because it is all the ammo he has got, and for sure he knows you are flying solo on this, and that there is only enough patience to go around!!! But, be proud, you did the perfect thing by not allowing him to ruin the plans..he can choose to happily join, or sulk in his bedroom, but he cant ruin it for the rest of you!! Hooray for you, major parenting points are coming your way...if only I had a reserve of some to give you....I seem to be running out at the moment!! Better get crackin I guess!
