Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How Do I Look?

              Once upon a time, I think we may have actually looked a little bit alike.

Here's a question that should have been asked a LONG time ago.  SO.  If someone asked you who might play you in a movie about your life, or a sitcom or science fiction...or tragedy, as the case may be...who would you choose?  I ask this because I have had a strange and unnerving realization today.  I have been browsing through various photographs, from more than 15 years and in them are some of myself, some are accidental photos. you know the ones where you happen to be in the background, and some are intentionally of me.  I have one main question:  Why have you all allowed me to wear nearly the exact same things for all of these years?!?

Exhibit A:

Oh, there's plenty more where that came from.  What can you tell from these time lapsed photographs?  I mean, other than my hair has changed as much as my weight has???  Bear in mind that these pictures are all from very different years, so you can't think that I just happened to be going through a black shirt/ tan pants or jeans phase.  I have been in that phase for YEARS!!!  

Now, back to the question of who will play you in your movie.  Here are my picks:

(Lisa Marie gets the role if it's a musical, which I know you all love musicals!)

So, here is my point.  Well, one of them.  If you are like me, and perhaps you are more sane than I am...you have this idea of yourself, this persona that you believe that you put out into the world.  I have, for better or worse, believed that I was more like these women above than what I see myself slumping into becoming.  I walked through Walmart today and saw something that I related to, and it made me laugh in that I'm frightened so I'll giggle way...the Mom uniform.  Holy crap!  I am actually constantly wearing and seeking to purchase what can only be described as the common Mom uniform: solid t-shirt, tan or black pants/ shorts/ skirt/ capris, and sandals or flip flops...even if it's cold outside.  Now, most of you don't know this about me, but I once had a little bit of style.  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled about this role I have and the kids and the house and the stuff that comes with it...but I don't believe that I need to be a walking advertisement for my job.  I mean, do nurses wear scrubs ALL THE TIME?  Do servers wear aprons everywhere they go?  NO!  

I need to get my groove back.  I know it means working out and eating right and taking care of myself and doing fun Heather things like reading a great book and taking classes and even auditioning for a play, or at least thinking about it.  I know that I have to crawl out of my little sloopadooper spot and get back out there...otherwise I may find my role played by this person:

  in a black shirt, of course.


  1. OK, so you really make me laugh. I loved reading this!! Your blog is just fabulous and I'm learning so much about you. :) I totally pick Lisa Marie, by the way. She would be great! And I think your "mom" outfit is fantastic!

  2. Come on Heather, give yourself a little credit because
    a)you have rotated between a V-neck, round neck and polo
    b)that fabulous, large print and very bright green get up you had on a church a while back (Easter, maybe?)
    Only a woman with style and guts would brave that one.

  3. Wow! You do look like all of them!
    I just wanted to add also that I have always loved your style. Yes, I mostly only see you at church, but you always have amazing hair and great shoes! You always look so sophistacated in some of your long coats, too. Anyways, my point is...
    You have not Slumpadunked! :)
    And about the "Who would play you?"...
    Maybe I would cast Jennifer Love Hewitt or Jennifer Garner as me.
    Your blog is fun!

  4. You are both so sweet. And yes, I do have a little bit of change in the scoop necks and v-necks going on. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will see if I can venture into other colors when shopping this fall. Maybe a nice red v-neck...with sequins!
