Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Update

Ok.  so it is the end of day two and I feel a little drained, but overall, optimistic.  I am seeing the positive of turning off the tv tonight.  The kids are driving each other a little nuts, but I suppose that is to be expected when you suddenly have to hang out with each other again.  They were; however, enthusiastic about the ideas that we started to talk about to avoid missing the games and such.  I do think that there is going to be a bit of a "mourning period" for Kimball...but he has suggested on his own that he might like to get up earlier three days a week and run around the block a couple of times with Sterling before they get ready for school.  I think that was very mature of him.  He recognizes that he has energy to burn and that might help him feel more relaxed in his day.  I have some friends at church who have five kids who are all either at Marcus or off on missions and their one bit of advice was to get him running.  They both said emphatically that they just have too much going on in their little bodies to not get them going.  I am hoping that he can use that as a tool to feel better in his day, because right now he kind of hates life...what with removing imaginary worlds and digital battles.  We did all dance for awhile after dinner and read a story or two.  We all had wishes and prayers and continued our own little made up story that we have been telling for the past 2 months.  (That is a great story, I have to tell you about that one day.)  And then off to bed...which is where I am headed now because tomorrow is an even busier day than today.  Morning fun, school, the gym, laundry, LAUNDRY, meals and loving discipline, and Scouts, baseball practice and Activity Days all in one night...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeew.  I am tired already.

1 comment:

  1. Im tired too. You're doing great. Kimball is a lone wolf in our world-- so I guess patience is a virtue, right? Running is a great activity for his age... tell him I'll race him and kick his little butt! Haha. Seriously though, good job with the video games-- can't wait until its the battle I have to fight =( Hopefully I am learning a lesson from you!!
