Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blogging 101

First rule of blogging:  don't confuse your family and any other dedicated readers with too many blogs.  I confess that I don't really have a solid reason for my need to flirt with other blog formats.  I am not a fan of the photo features over here but that may well be because I have not figured the whole thing out.  I am deep in the trenches of getting through the last week of school and getting Larry out of town as well as getting ready for Scout camps and a long awaited trip to Kansas.  Busy times.  I mean, happy and grateful and full of fun times, but still, busy times.  There is great trauma associated with Larry leaving, of course.  Kaden certainly takes it the hardest.  And then there's me, the lone co-captain of a ship that runs so much smoother with Larry home.  I have a much less defined leadership style than Larry, and by that I mean, I simply don't care as much about the little things as he does.  That can be good and bad.  He does a great job of keeping things nice and clean and orderly and such, I do a good job of playing and relaxing and sitting at the pool.  Now, I have been saying for a couple of weeks that I intend to teach some level of independence to my children and that means summer sessions will be in order.  How I will go about that, I am not sure.  Perhaps I will create a little documentation on it around here somewhere and I will narrow the blogs down, I promise.  Wordpress is cool, but causes problems in some ways that don't happen over here.  I don't know...what do you think?  


Let's take a vote!  Let your voice be heard.  Which blog should I stick with???

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