Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Vacation Day 1

It is time to officially document the lives of our children, and myself, specifically for the next 10 months.  Some of it may bore some of you but it will be done for a few reasons:
1) To share our daily activities and pictures with Larry who will be traveling a lot.
2) To share fun activities and such with friends and family near and far.
3) To have evidence to show these children how much we do and how much they have to be grateful for...and to prove how awesome I am!  Seriously.

So.  If you do not apply to any of those reasons, feel free to skip over to another stalkable blog but know that you may miss something over here.  I'm just saying.  

Day 1.  Kids got out of school today.  It was a half day for our kiddos and they were so happy to be out.  When I asked Kimball what he disliked the most about 6th grade he said, "6th Grade".  Well, I guess that sums that up rather well.  He did mention that he noticed that he was one of the few who did not get recognized at the 6th grade ceremony, something that I was worried about but I think I would have been more worried had he not noticed.  Progress to be made there.  Then there was Kaden and Kyra.  They had a blast at school today.  I just have to say that I so love our elementary school.  I love the teachers, and the administration and particularly love our wonderful Nurse Robyn.  She has become a sweet friend.  I can't think of anyone up there that I don't just love!  That says a lot for a school, in my opinion.  Moving on.  At the end of the year assembly at the end of the day, Kaden was given a special award recognizing what they called a "212 degree" attitude.  Our principal utilized a program that has been great this year called 212 and it related to the point at which water begins to boil.  It takes just that extra degree of effort to create that momentum and the kids have really responded to it.  Kaden was recognized as a student who shows that attitude.  I love that he is that way and I especially appreciate that he sees that others see that in him.  I am proud of him, but I am also proud for him.

Then came an afternoon of swimming and playing at the park for a Ward Party that was great fun and then we headed over to Bahama Bucks.  (if you aren't familiar with this establishment you should look it up.  We love it.)

So.  Now, the house is quieting down with the sound of exhausted and sun kissed children thrilled to know that they have a summer ahead of them.  This school year has absolutely flown by.  I can't quite believe how big they all are these days.  It kind of takes my breath away sometimes.

We are looking forward to skipping on up to Kansas and then the boys will be camping.  We will see our baby Kyra turn 8 and be baptized this month.  (Another one of those moments that make me pause.)  We will play at the pool and watch movies as well as read a bit and touch up some things around the house.  A lot of fun ahead, for sure.  Here's to a fun, relaxing, productive and family building summer.

Kierstin's sleeping update: in her own bed, first time down, 11:37pm!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for summer!
    As for the header on my blog, well, it wasn't easy! You can get free headers on cutestblogontheblock. That's the easy part. I downloaded the program suggested on that website and just played with it for quite some time trying to figure it out. It doesn't look quite like it was supposed to but it's still cute. I think there are other programs that would make it easier to do- photoshop, perhaps. Text is easy to add and there are headers that you could just add text and no pictures. The pictures were tricky. But I managed to do it so you should be able to... you're definitely more creative than I am so it may be easy for you!
