Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday School lesson thoughts

I have been so caught up in vacationing and life that I have not posted anything about a very important lesson I have learned this week.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe in certain doctrine that clarifies the condition of man after death.  I don't always understand it, though I have a firm faith in its truth.  In Sunday School this week we discussed the three degrees of Glory as explained in D&C 76.  I am certain that I have spent time there in years past and studied it in school, but I was opened up to new things this week.  We were divided into 4 groups, Perdition, Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial Glories.  I was given the task of representing our group in sharing what we learned about the Terrestrial Glory.  One of the things that really struck me is in v.79: These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus...  By definition, this is includes that group of believers who do not live according to their faith, those who have received of the truth, known the Savior and had the Gift of the Holy Ghost and stayed on the "luke warm" side of things.  I have long been that person.  My faith is there, but my action has often wavered.   I am not sure if this makes sense, but this verse opened my eyes a bit to my responsibility, my privilege to live what I believe, to honor my faith and to always be "valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ".  I don't ordinarily jump into these topics here on my blog, but I was so struck by this lesson that I just had to share, and to reiterate how much I love being a part of this Gospel and being given the gifts that come with it.  I honor all faiths, and trust each and everyone of you to choose for yourselves.  I have often wished for ignorance, as that at least gives you the option of learning it later, but I don't have that.  I have been taught well and Heavenly Father expects a lot of me.  If for no other reason than to raise these 4 amazing children in faith to return with honor.  I am humbled by that task and the trust that He put in me.  It is humbling.  

And now back to vacationing.  :)


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