Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well.  We have new information.  There is a family that we have been put in contact with in Las Vegas who is relocating here and looking for a home to rent.  They need a house in our area until March 31, 2010.  Larry's contract is up on March 28th.  I have hoped that this might be possible and today I spoke with the Mrs and she has indicated that they do wish to rent our home.  So.  or, Hmmm.  as Dad would say.

Here's what it means.  July is shaping up to be a busy month.  There will be birthdays and babies and a visit from Larry, and a move.  We will store nearly everything, except appliances and the piano and Kyra's rather large bed.  We will load it up somewhere around July 28th or so and then we'll need a place to sleep at night while we get the house ready.  Painting.  Repairs.  Carpet Cleaning.  We will head out on or around August 2nd for a full four day drive to Vancouver.  There had been talk of renting a home that was removed from Vancouver, but we have discovered it to be a little too removed.  We have also learned that the Canadian taxes will be taken out of Larry's check, a matter that is only now being worked out.  That means that we, as a family, have the option of living in Vancouver.  We have to work out the financial end of that as Vancouver is quite expensive.  It is also beautiful.  I am getting excited about the idea and look forward to a new adventure.  Since we are looking at Vancouver, we will likely put the kids in school there as it is truly a big part of the experience.  They don't know that yet.  I think that they will really enjoy it though.  On the other end of things, we will be back in our home on April 1st, 2010.  We will miss a few holidays and birthdays, but fortunately we will be here for new babies and a baptism.

There are obvious challenges and we are working with them.  We are also thrilled to be back together as a family and to see what that part of the world has to offer.  I grew up moving around and loved it.  Larry grew up in one home all of his life.  He didn't know better.  Our children have had the unique privilege of living in this home for the better part of nearly five years.  That is monumental and it is home.  We hope to open up some new opportunities and challenges with this adventure.  I know that some will think we are nuts, while other will celebrate the idea.  We see and know that both are true.  Help will be needed and postcards will be sent.  Updates will be constant on this blog.  We won't be gone too long, maybe just long enough to miss us.  :)


  1. Well..we are missing you guys already:) I am not sure how RJ and Kierstin will survive that long without each other, but I am certain we shall survive....or...I could just send him with you! I mean, I would hate to break up the team, so I am willing to make that sacrifice. Hahaha! Good luck getting ready..wish I could be more helpful, but obviously, I am having a baby:)

  2. You're moving! Sad, but exciting! Just so you know Kyle and I have had passports for a while! =)

  3. i am sooo excited and jealous at the same time!! what a great opportunity for you guys!! don't think i can be much help but i'll be thinking of you :)
